Board Membership

  1. Monitor all AREA elements for adherence to AREA constitution;
  2. Establish operating policies and procedures in accordance with AREA constitution;
  3. Prepare annual budgets and establish member dues necessary to meet budgets;
  4. Promote chapter proliferation and issue chapter charters to member groups;
  5. Publish quarterly Newsletter;
  6. Submit annual reports to members in the July Newsletter;
  7. Promote AREA and chapter membership;
  8. Maintain lines of communication between the Board, members, chapters, The Exchange, and the community;
  9. Administer and promote the Scholarship, Community Service and Emergency Relief Fund;
  10. Publish Membership Directories;
  11. Insure the safety and security of all AREA funds and assets;
  12. Maintain the AREA specific website;
  13. Annually review AREA’s objectives for future growth.

President responsibilities include…

  1. Provide guidance and direction to AREA activities;
  2. Select members to serve in appointed positions;
  3. Schedule and conduct Board meetings at least quarterly;
  4. Ensure the material on the website is current;
  5. Communicate individually with chapter presidents as appropriate. i.e., assuming or relinquishing office, problems requiring attention, etc.;
  6. Assure adherence to Constitution, Bylaws and policy / procedures;
  7. Set objectives for future growth.

President-Elect responsibilities include…

  1. Become familiar with Board members’ responsibilities;
  2. Become familiar with the website History File and other AREA background material;
  3. Assist President and other Board members on specific projects;
  4. Keep current on Community Relations;
  5. Assume office and duties in absence of President;
  6. Assume presidency of the organization upon retirement of the incumbent president.

Secretary responsibilities include…

  1. Recorder and historian of AREA activities, except for the Newsletter;
  2. Record minutes of Executive Board. Distributes copies;
  3. Prepare correspondence for President as needed;
  4. Assist in updating the History file;
  5. Maintain inventory of supplies.

Treasurer responsibilities include…

  1. Record and maintain AREA financial transactions;
  2. Deposit all receipts;
  3. Disburse checks upon receipt of properly documented invoices;
  4. Draft annual expense budget for approval of Board;
  5. Maintain the books of account;
  6. Coordinate and implement the investment program with the Financial / Insurance Advisor;
  7. Prepare quarterly Income and Expense reports and Balance Sheets for AREA, Emergency Relief and Scholarship Program;
  8. Submit end-of-year final reports and supporting data for audit;
  9. Summarize AREA financial results and status of operations for posting on the website annually on July 1st;
  10. When deemed necessary, recommend changes to improve AREA accounting procedures to Board;
  11. Report annually on adequacy of reserves.

Membership Director responsibilities include…

  1. Monitor AREA and chapter membership records;
  2. Maintain AREA membership data base;
  3. Maintain scholarship donations data base;
  4. Forward dues checks to Treasurer indicating scholarship donations or year’s dues paid for each member;
  5. Send scholarship chairman listing of scholarship donors and amount, as received;
  6. Send welcome letters and packets to new members;
  7. Provide chapters with membership applications;
  8. Research and resolve discrepancies that arise over data base entries and dues payments.

Information Director responsibilities include…

  1. Develop and execute / coordinate on publications and other information about AREA and its chapters;
  2. Editor of the Newsletter and Membership Directory;
  3. Maintain historical records for publications and other information material;
  4. Coordination of publicity on the website, and with the community, the Exchange Post, and other sources.

Auditor responsibilities include…

  1. Audit AREA financial records annually;
  2. Audit AREA financial reports according to accepted audit procedures;
  3. Audit transactions and reports of:
    1. AREA dues and other income and administrative expenses;
    2. Scholarship Fund donations, investment returns, and grants awarded;
    3. Emergency Relief Fund.
  4. Report in writing to Executive Board upon completion of audits:
    1. Accuracy of records;
    2. Any irregularities;
    3. Effectiveness of security of monies;
    4. Any recommended procedural changes.

Financial / Insurance Advisor responsibilities include…

  1. Provide financial advice to board;
  2. Periodically review, with Treasurer, the amount of cash on hand and amount needed for immediate future expenses;
  3. Jointly recommend moving excess monies from checking account into more lucrative areas;
  4. Ensure that investment decisions are based upon minimum risk and reasonable return;
  5. Advise and recommend to the Board any insurance requirements.

AREA VEBA Trustee responsibilities include…

  1. Serve as the AREA representative on the Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) at HQ, The Exchange;
  2. Attend HQ meetings;
  3. Keep the Board and membership informed of benefit discussions and changes.

Legal Advisor responsibilities include…

  1. Provide legal assistance to AREA elements;
  2. Review all proposed contracts that AREA desires to enter into;
  3. Provide legal advice to Board and chapters;
  4. Recommend appropriate legal counsel in major matters of litigation.

Scholarship Committee responsibilities include…

  1. Direct the activities of the Scholarship program;
  2. Appointed chairperson will select 5 other committee members;
  3. Recommend procedural changes to Board for approval;

Board Members Elections & Appointment

  • Voting members elected by the membership are referred to as Officers of the Association. Includes:
    • AREA President
    • President-Elect
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
  • Voting members appointed by the president.
    • Membership Director
    • Information Director
    • Three Members–at-Large
    These 5 members + the 4 members elected by the membership are referred to as the Executive Officers of the Association.
  • Non-Voting members appointed by the president:
    • Legal Advisor
    • Auditor
    • Financial / Insurance Advisor
    • VEBE Trustee
    • Chairpersons of these committees: Scholarship, Community Service and Emergency Relief.
    These appointees + the nine voting members above are referred to the Executive Board.


  • Chuck Poffenbarger, President
  • Vacant, President Elect
  • Don Smith, Secretary
  • Gerry Peterson, Treasurer
  • Larry Phillips, Information Director
  • Tom Harmon, Member-At-Large
  • Milt Bergman, Member-At-Large
  • Bob Haver, Member-At-Large


  • Gene Miller, Auditor
  • Thomas Reagor, Legal Advisor
  • Tom Gallagher, Scholarship Program
  • Richard Fregoe, Community Service
  • Martin Handel, Financial Advisor / VEBA Representative
  • Pat Weaver, Memebership Director