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October 05, 2011

CONTACT: (Media Only)

Peter Pappas or Jennifer Rankin Byrne

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Press Release, 11-53

USPTO Issues 500th Patent Through Successful Green Technology Pilot Program


WASHINGTON – The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued the 500th patent through its Green Technology Pilot Program for a “Wind Turbine Rotor Blade with Aerodynamic Winglet” to General Electric Company (patent no. 8,029,241).  This is the 116th patent General Electric has secured through the USPTO’s Green Technology Pilot Program, in which applications involving reduced greenhouse gas emissions, energy conservation and environmental quality are accelerated in their review at no cost to the inventor.

Program statistics show that stakeholders participating in the Green Tech Pilot have obtained patents much more quickly as compared to the standard examination process.  Currently, the average time between granting of a green technology petition and first office action on the merits is just 68 days.  In many instances, applicants have had their Green Technology inventions patented in less than one year from the application filing date.

“USPTO is proud to play a role in accelerating socially conscious technologies in emerging fields like alternative fuels, clean energy, and green technology,” said Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO David Kappos. “By advancing a commitment to building a more sustainable energy future the agency is able to spur additional innovation and promote green collar jobs that provide our world with alternatives to harmful energy practices.”

“We applaud the USPTO for initiating this program to accelerate the review of patent applications for green technology inventions,” said Carl Horton, Chief Intellectual Property Counsel, General Electric.  “By allowing GE and other innovators in the green technology sector to bring our inventions to market more quickly, this program is helping to accelerate solutions to environmental challenges, while also growing the economy and creating new jobs.”

Last fall the USPTO extended the deadline for filing petitions under its Green Technology Pilot Program to December 31, 2011.  More than 2,500 petitions have been granted to green technology patent applicants since the pilot began in December 2009.

For more information on the Green Technology Pilot Program, please contact the Office of Patent Legal Administration at 571-272-7701 or e-mail

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United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/5/2011 12:39:57 PM