Report Summary

Title: Audit of VA’s Savings Reported Under OMB’s Acquisition Savings Initiative
Report Link:
Report Number: 11-03217-293
Issue Date: 9/30/2012
VA Office: Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Office of Acquisitions, Logistics, and Construction (OALC)
Office of Management
Report Author: Office of Audits and Evaluations
Report Type: Audits, Reviews & Evaluations
Release Type: Unrestricted
Summary: The OIG conducted this audit to determine if VHA reported accurate and supportable savings as part of OMB’s acquisition savings initiative for FYs 2010 and 2011. VA set a 2-year savings goal of approximately $1.5 billion for FYs 2010 and 2011, which included a $721 million goal for VHA. We found VHA inaccurately reported $710 million (65 percent) of the approximately $1.1 billion in savings reported under the OMB acquisition savings initiative. Reported savings included errors like unreportable savings, duplicate transactions, and a lack of sufficient documentation. The overstatement occurred due to incomplete guidance or inadequate oversight. We recommended improved policy and controls to ensure more effective responses to future savings reforms and initiatives.