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HUD   >   Federal Housing Administration   >   Healthcare Programs   >   Section 242   >   How to Get Started
How to Get Started: Steps 1-3

1. Self-Assessment

The first step is for you to perform a self-assessment to determine if FHA mortgage insurance is right for you.  Please refer to our Pre-Application Guide for more information.

    2. Choose a Lender

    If you do not already have a mortgage lender, FHA maintains a List of Lenders who are active in the hospital mortgage insurance program.

    3. Preliminary Review

    As a free service to the hospital and lender, FHA performs a preliminary review of the hospital and project to make sure that basic eligibility criteria are met.  The purpose of the preliminary review is to identify any obvious factors that would cause an application to be rejected before the hospital and lender expend the resources needed to prepare a full application.

    The preliminary review focuses on the same criteria as the Self Assessment, described above.  These factors include statutory eligibility, market need, financial strength, and any other known factors that have the potential to cause an application to be rejected.

    If you would like FHA to conduct a preliminary review of your hospital, please complete the appropriate preliminary template in the Pre-Application Guide and submit it to the Office of Hospital Facilities.
     Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!