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why contact a recruiter?

Only by working with a Recruiter can you tailor an Army experience to meet your goals, wants and needs. Want to take advantage of money for your education? Need certain job skills? Your Recruiter can give you the specifics on all the Army benefits to help you make the most out of your Army career.

what's it like talking to a recruiter?

Recruiters are some of the most experienced Soldiers in the Army — that's what makes them qualified to tell you about what the Army has to offer. Some have served overseas, some have seen combat — so you should feel free to ask them about how the Army has helped them meet their goals. Better yet, ask them how the Army can help you reach yours.


BRANDON: The recruiters I realized were not there to put you down and to just sign you up for anything that's there. They were there to help you, to better yourself for your future not only while you're in the Army but for after you get out of the Army for your future family and for the rest of your life.

If I had a friend that asked me what the process was coming in talking to a recruiter, I'd tell them just go in and talk to the recruiter and they will square you away with anything that you want to know. They will help you even if you're having family problems, that's what they're there for. They're there to talk and that's a good thing about the recruiters I've noticed is they're there for you no matter what the issue is.