Tag: Royal Air Force Regiment

Brig. Gen. Aminullah Patyani (Right), commander of the Kabul Military Training Centre (KMTC), Col. Mike Minor (Middle), commander of KMTC Training Advisory Group (TAG), and Warrant Officer Richard J. Pyshorn (Left) , KMTC TAG Regimental Sgt. Maj. salute as the national flag of Afghanistan is raised at a special ceremony at Camp Alamo on the KMTC grounds, April 9.

RAF Regiment Pride…Now and Always

2012/07/11 • Comments

“I work with J5 [Planning] and advise an ANA Colonel and Sergeant Major on course content, training schedules and the planning of exercises for the Officer Training Brigade,” said Taylor. “I have also been heavily involved with the transition planning and handover to the ANA. It is very demanding but I have gained a lot of experience for whatever my future role may be.”

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