Intensive English Language Training Center opens doors in Kabul

2012/06/19 • Comments
Story by U.S. Navy Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Cory Rose




Afghan National Army Maj Gen. and Army Col. David Komar, from Deputy Commanding General-Operations, Training and Requirements, cut the ribbon during the grand opening ceremony for the newest Intense English Language Training Center (IELTC) at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan June 5. (Courtesy Photo)

Afghan National Army Maj Gen. and Army Col. David Komar, from Deputy Commanding General-Operations, Training and Requirements, cut the ribbon during the grand opening ceremony for the newest Intense English Language Training Center (IELTC) at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan June 5. (Courtesy Photo)

KABUL, Afghanistan – The Grand Opening for the Intensive English Language Training Center (IELTC) at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan held a ribbon cutting ceremony June 5.

Construction on the 8th Intensive Language Center was completed Feb. 2012 and can support a maximum of 100 students.

For a student to be successful in this training, they must be able to read, write, and hold a conversation in English. The NTM-A funded English Language Training Centers use the (U.S.) Defense Language Institute English Language Center curriculum.

“The purpose of learning English to learn an international language,” said ANA Col. Habiburahman Totakhil, commandant of Afghan Foreign Language Institute. “It is a necessity for our Armed Forces to be able to learn the language and coordinate missions with NATO forces.” 

  The center is designed to provide intense language training and to teach American culture to members of the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP). A student in the advanced level will be required to score 70 to 80 in the placement test in order to receive the further training in the U.S.

“With having these courses, the personnel will learn English and go to their follow on training, which will give us a more equipped Army with good Soldiers and good officers,” said Totakhil.

 The comprehensive curriculum taught by English language instructors from the DoD Education Activity, the Defense Language Institute, and Afghan contract instructors includes presentations in language functions, vocabulary, grammar and the four language skills.

“The purpose of the English instructors is twofold, one is to model a native speaker of the English language for the students, but more importantly to train and mentor the Afghan English teachers and help them develop their skills in the classroom,” said Army Col. David Komar, from Deputy Commanding General-Operations, Training and Requirements.

NTM-A is a coalition of 38 troop contributing nations charged with assisting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in generating a capable and sustainable Afghan National Security Force ready to take lead of their country’s security by 2014. For more information about NTM-A, visit

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