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Tad Davis

Tad Davis


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Mr. Tad Davis, CXO - Suicide Awareness and Prevention Video

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Mr. Tad Davis, Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Army Reserve Command and senior civilian employee of the U.S. Army Reserve, delivers a message about suicide awareness and prevention. In his message he discusses two key programs implemented by the Army: Ask, Care and Escort (ACE) and Applied, Suicide, Intervention, Skills, and Training (ASIST). These programs are designed to increase awareness through training and to help individuals properly respond if they encounter a potential suicide situation.

For Immediate help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).  For counseling assistance call 1-800-342-9647 or visit www.militaryonesource.mil to schedule a session.

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