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Inspector General of the Marine Corps

Headquarters Marine Corps

"The Eyes and Ears of the Commandant"
- Marine Corps Manual

My mission is to promote Marine Corps combat readiness, integrity, efficiency, effectiveness, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, and teaching and training.

- Inspector General
United States Marine Corps
Unit Leaders

Major General Juan G. Ayala
Inspector General of the United States Marine Corps

Mr. Carl E. Shelton Jr., Deputy Inspector General
Office of the Inspector General of the Marine Corps

Upcoming Events

Mobile Training Team (MTT)
MCRD San Diego, CA
11 - 14 September 2012
POC: SSgt M. A. Canchucaja (MCRD) @ (619) 524-8797
Capt Mary Blair (IGMC) @ (703) 604-4528