Afghan Women celebrate International Women’s Day

2012/04/02 • Comments
Staff Sergeant Nazly Confesor
Combined Team Uruzgan Public Affairs Office



Dr. Negar, an OB/GYN doctor at Tarin Kot’s Women Hospital, speaks to an audience of nearly 100 Afghan women and children at the Provincial Governor’s compound in Tarin Kot to celebrate the 2nd Annual International Women’s Day, March 13. During her speech, Dr. Negar stressed the importance of education and sending young girls to school. (Photo Released by Staff Sergeant Nazly Confesor, Combined Team Uruzgan Public Affairs)

Dr. Negar, an OB/GYN doctor at Tarin Kot’s Women Hospital, speaks to an audience of nearly 100 Afghan women and children at the Provincial Governor’s compound in Tarin Kot to celebrate the 2nd Annual International Women’s Day, March 13. During her speech, Dr. Negar stressed the importance of education and sending young girls to school. (Photo Released by Staff Sergeant Nazly Confesor, Combined Team Uruzgan Public Affairs)

TARIN KOT, Afghanistan – While they still face many challenges, women in Afghanistan’s Uruzgan Province are vigorously working towards being recognized as equal partners in the peace process.

From across the Uruzgan Province to the Kabul area, women converged at a small library to celebrate the 2nd Annual International Women’s Day.

With their burqas unveiled, nearly 100 Afghan women and young girls relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company at the Provincial Governor’s compound in the Tarin Kot District on March 13.

The Australian Female Engagement Team (FET) was on-hand to support the event.

“The purpose of the function is to recognize women on the accomplishments they have made and demonstrate their rights as women,’’ said Australian Capt. Grant Prendergast, the Female Engagement Team (FET) officer.

The event organized by Rana Sami Wade, the Director of Women’s Affairs (DOWA), featured a series of guest speakers who highlighted education, economic and social challenges as well as celebrating the accomplishments of Afghan women.

During her speech, Rana stressed the importance of educating Afghan women and the need to find educational resources for them. She highlighted how a woman is the foundation of a family and a family is the foundation of a society.

Women across the Uruzgan Province and from the Kabul area attended the March 13 International Women's Day celebration in the Tarin Kot District, having the opportunity to hear from the provincial governor, the director of women’s affairs and an accomplished female doctor. They spoke of the need to educate women and the significant role Afghan women play in bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan. (Photo released by Staff Sgt. Nazly Confesor, Combined Team Uruzgan Public Affairs)

Women across the Uruzgan Province and from the Kabul area attended the March 13 International Women's Day celebration in the Tarin Kot District, having the opportunity to hear from the provincial governor, the director of women’s affairs and an accomplished female doctor. They spoke of the need to educate women and the significant role Afghan women play in bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan. (Photo released by Staff Sgt. Nazly Confesor, Combined Team Uruzgan Public Affairs)

“Women in distant villages are facing problems economically, educationally and culturally. There is a lack of self-sufficient projects for all women,’’ said Wafa. “Women make up half of society. They should be able to participate in whatever they want,’’ she said.

Numerous speakers at the event have quoted that Afghan women share equal rights with Afghan men, according to Islamic and Afghan law.

Uruzgan Provincial Governor Mohammad Omar Shirzad spoke at the event about increasing women’s rights in Afghanistan and improving the economic and educational positions for the Afghan women.

“I accept that females have challenges. The first and main problem is education – our females are uneducated. This is the main issue in Uruzgan,” said Shirzad. “Education is the biggest thing, it is paramount for development. No education equals no development in society,” he said.

He also mentioned some projects, which the Afghan government is developing for the Afghan women.

“Every day we seek to find solutions to facilitate Afghan women’s problems. We will try our best to solve women’s problems, especially on the educational and economical section,’’ said Shirzad.

At the end of his speech, Shirad said that the Afghan government views them as equals and will continue to support and protect them.

Mohammad Omar Shirzad, Uruzgan Provincial Governor, presents a small gift to a local Afghan woman during the celebration of International Women’s Day in the district area of Tarin Kot, March13. (Photo Released by Staff Sergeant Nazly Confesor, Combined Team Uruzgan Public Affairs)

Mohammad Omar Shirzad, Uruzgan Provincial Governor, presents a small gift to a local Afghan woman during the celebration of International Women’s Day in the district area of Tarin Kot, March13. (Photo Released by Staff Sergeant Nazly Confesor, Combined Team Uruzgan Public Affairs)

Another guest speaker, Dr. Negar, an OB/GYN doctor at Tarin Kot’s Women Hospital, stressed the importance of sending young girls to school.

“I request all families to send their daughters to school so that they can get educated and have a bright future,” said Nagar.

Nagar emphasized that finding employment opportunities for women through the support of the Government Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Provincial Reconstruction Team will help solve the main problems faced by the women in Uruzgan.

Following the speeches, the District Governor Shirzad and the DOWA presented gifts to the local Afghan women.
After the event, women and children unveiled their burqas, conversed with each other, and enjoyed the chai that were given to them.

“I hope every single woman will live in peace. We will try to make good conditions for the life for our sisters so that they can get education,” said Shirzad. “We will try our best to bring good facilities for them and solve each problem one at a time, so they can live a life full of peace and happiness,” he said.

Today’s event marked a milestone for the women of Uruzgan as they joined other women across the world in celebrating International Women’s Day.

“The Afghan women are planting a seed in Afghanistan, and we will watch it grow,” said Prendergast.

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