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Banks and Banking

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Collapse    Title 12 - Banks and Banking
Parts 1 - 1815. January 1, 2010.
Heading 2 - Table Of Contents
Heading 4 - Table Of Contents
Heading 6 - Table Of Contents (Parts 1 - 1)
Section 1.1 - Authority, purpose, scope, and reservation of authority.
Section 1.2 - Definitions.
Section 1.3 - Limitations on dealing in, underwriting, and purchase and sale of securities.
Section 1.4 - Calculation of limits.
Section 1.5 - Safe and sound banking practices; credit information required.
Section 1.6 - Convertible securities.
Section 1.7 - Securities held in satisfaction of debts previously contracted; holding period; disposal...
Section 1.8 - Nonconforming investments.
Chapter II - FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (Parts 200 - 299)