Family Finance

How your home's property value can literally grow on trees

Although trees drop leaves on lawns and the occasional branch on a house, they also add money to your wallet.

Jump in California gas prices leads stations to close doors, charge record prices

Californians woke up to a shock Friday as overnight gasoline prices jumped by as much as 20 cents a gallon in some areas, ending a week of soaring costs that saw some stations close and others... Read more »



Banks increase checking fees to counteract regulation

Checking fees at banks are on the rise, with some increasing as much as 25 percent. Read more »



Mitt Romney's Medicare plan raises cost questions

Mitt Romney's Medicare plan won't try to control costs by limiting the payments that future retirees would use to buy private health insurance, aides say. Budget experts are questioning how the... Read more »



In spite of record low rates, lenders more cautious to issue loans than ever before

Despite the lowest interest rates on home mortgages since at least the 1950s, banks are hesitant to extend more loans. Read more »

Oct. 4, 2012


US rate on 30-year mortgage hits record 3.36 pct.

Average U.S. rates on fixed mortgages fell to fresh record lows for the second straight week. The declines suggest the Federal Reserve's stimulus efforts are having an impact. Read more »

Oct. 4, 2012


Romney looking at different caps on tax breaks

Mitt Romney's idea to impose a $17,000 limit on taxpayer deductions would hit hardest on wealthy Americans, who make the most use of deductions to reduce their tax burden. But that adjustment alone... Read more »

Oct. 3, 2012


The dark side: How printer manufacturers get you to buy expensive ink

Printer ink has a dark side to it. It often costs more to buy a replacement cartridge than to buy a whole new printer. Now ink companies have a new plans to make money. Read more »

Oct. 3, 2012


Photo records expand for genealogists as Ancestry acquires startup acquired San Francisco-based photo service 1000memories Inc., which means digital family trees are about to get more visual. Read more »

Oct. 3, 2012


Record low mortgage rates prompt wave of refinancing

With mortgage rates at record lows, applications to refinance mortgages increased 20 percent in the past week, the highest since April 2009, according to Mortgage Bankers Association. Read more »

Oct. 3, 2012

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Auto sales, home prices help buoy weak U.S. economy

The U.S. economy is looking more resilient, thanks in part to encouraging signs for the two most expensive purchases most Americans make: cars and homes. Read more »

Oct. 2, 2012


Looking for the ideal job as a mom? Become a pharmacist

Gender inequality typically permeates throughout all lines of work except one: Pharmacy. Read more »

Oct. 2, 2012

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Children are 51 times more likely to suffer identity theft than adults

A study examining identity theft found 10.2 percent of children's financial histories reflected fraudulent Social Security number use, 51 times the amount adult identities were attacked. Read more »

Oct. 2, 2012


Reclaiming materials is an environmentally friendly way to save on home improvement

Homeowners could save between 30 to 60 percent on home improvement projects by purchasing reclaimed building materials, according to Fox Business. Read more »

Oct. 2, 2012

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How sweet it is: Personal soft drink ban saves $1,000 a year

As New York City institutes its soft drink ban, the idea of cutting back promises to save individuals money. Read more »

Oct. 2, 2012


Dave Says: Picking the right trustee

Dear Dave: I'm going through a divorce, and I'm about to buy a $600,000 life insurance policy. My 9-year-old daughter would be the beneficiary. I need a trustee, but how do I pick a good one? Read more »

Oct. 1, 2012


Financial theory and the Fremont People

A modern investor takes a pool of money and optimally distributes these funds over a set of investment assets. Some of these assets are very safe, and have low rates of return. Others are risky,... Read more »

Oct. 1, 2012


Perception and price inflation may drive university costs

Stephen Trachtenberg, the former president of George Washington University, increased tuition from $25,000 to $51,000 during his tenure, according to The Atlantic. Read more »

Oct. 1, 2012

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80 million strong, millennials considered 'the cheapest generation'

The generation that is soon to be the largest is also the cheapest, as millennials are struggling with everything from home ownership to student debt, according to the National Chamber Foundation. Read more »

Oct. 1, 2012


5 tips can help prevent living paycheck to paycheck

More than two-thirds of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, but there are ways to prevent it. Here are five tips to stop the cycle. Read more »

Oct. 1, 2012


Cardholders paid $2.4 billion on unnecessary credit protection services

Cardholders paid about $2.4 billion on 24 million accounts for debt protection products in 2009, according to the Government Accountability Office. Read more »

Oct. 1, 2012


16,000 Utahns may qualify for funds in mortgage settlement

An estimated 16,000 Utah residents who lost their homes to foreclosure between 2008 and 2011 may be able to apply for money in a national mortgage settlement. Read more »

Sept. 29, 2012


Can marriage reduce poverty? Marriage rates among the poor have dramatically declined since the '60s

Although they've yet to set a date, Gata Negrra and her partner Ronald Moore of Newark like to brainstorm ideas for their wedding. "We're big geeks when it comes to thinking of the stuff we'd like... Read more »

Sept. 29, 2012


Mortgage scams on the rise after government issues housing settlement

After the government approved a $25 billion housing settlement in February, scams promising relief to homeowners with troubled mortgages have risen. Read more »

Sept. 27, 2012


Rate on 30-year mortgage hits record low 3.40 pct.

Average U.S. rates on fixed mortgages fell again to new record lows. The decline suggests the Federal Reserve's stimulus efforts may be having an impact on mortgage rates. Read more »

Sept. 27, 2012


Contracts to buy US homes fell slightly in August

The number of Americans who signed contracts to buy previously occupied homes fell in August from a two-year high in July. Read more »

Sept. 27, 2012


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