United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Definition of Waste Gas Storage Tank Radioactivity Limits

HPPOS-004 PDR-9111210080

Title: Definition of Waste Gas Storage Tank Radioactivity


See the memorandum from J. S. Bland to J. P. Stohr dated

August 28, 1980, and the incoming request from J. P. Stohr

dated July 2, 1980. The wording "equivalent Xe-133" and

"considered as Xe-133" in Standard Technical Specifications

allow the licensee to use area radiation monitoring

readings coupled with a calculational method to approximate

inventories in waste gas delay tanks (WGDT).

NUREG-0472, "Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications

for PWR's," Section limits the amount of

radioactivity in each waste gas storage tank to (x) curies

of noble gas. Section further states that the

activity shall "be considered as Xe-133." However, the

document fails to provide a definition of "considered as

Xe-133" or provide a definition of how this determination

is to be made. There is also inconsistent wording between

NUREG-0472 which presents a "considered as Xe-133" limit

and the STS Guidance Document (NUREG-0133) which describes

the limit as "Xe-133 equivalent."

The wordings "Xe-133 equivalent" and "considered as Xe-133"

were included for the purpose of identifying to licensees

the applicable use of area radiation monitor readings in

determining an approximate tank radioactivity inventory.

The intent of the STS requirement was not to require daily

isotopic analysis of the WGDT inventories. Instead, the

licensee is allowed to use area radiation monitor readings

coupled with a calculational method to approximate tank

inventories. Realizing that isotopic distributions change

with increased storage times, licensees must demonstrate

the applicability of any calculational method employed for

this purpose.

In determining the curie limits during licensing, NRR

evaluates the expected radionuclide distribution and

conservatively establishes a limit such that under accident

conditions (decay tank rupture) offsite dose will be less

than 0.5 rem. The limit, as presented, is a cumulative sum

of the total radionuclide distribution evaluated during

licensing. Therefore, considering the inventory limit as a

gross activity limit is consistent with the formulation of

the "considered as Xe-133" limit and the STS basis which

describes the limit as "Xe-133 equivalent."

Regulatory references: Technical Specifications

Subject codes: 7.3, 9.1

Applicability: Reactors

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012