Medical conference brings Afghan doctors together to learn new medical techniques

2012/03/03 • Comments
Combined Task Force Spartan Public Affairs Office
Capt. Kevin Priest, the brigade dentist for CTF Spartan, teaches an Afghan pharmacist how to properly sew stitches. The class used raw chicken breasts as training aides.

Capt. Kevin Priest, the brigade dentist for CTF Spartan, teaches an Afghan pharmacist how to properly sew stitches. The class used raw chicken breasts as training aides.

ZHARAY DISTRICT, KANDAHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan – Afghan medical professionals from the Afghan security forces in Zharay district gathered at Forward Operating Base Pasab, Feb. 22, to attend a medical conference hosted by physicians with Combined Task Force Spartan. The conference served to exchange ideas and techniques for various medical treatments.

At least six surgeons from the Afghan National Army and National Police attended the conference, along with three civilian medical doctors and pharmacists. Attendees included Dr. Nazatullah, the surgeon for the 404 Maiwand unit of the national police; Col. Hakim, the commander of the Kandahar Regional Military Hospital at Camp Hero; Dr. Aseal, the surgeon for the 3rd Brigade, 205th Afghan Army Corps; Dr. Rahman, the surgeon for the brigade’s garrison, and Dr. Faiz Mohammad from the Pasab Clinic.

The group of Afghan medical professionals were taught techniques in oral hygiene, obstetrics and obstetrical emergencies, neonatal resuscitation, and a practical lab in suturing techniques. Using raw chicken breasts as training aides, the doctors learned how to sew stitches, while also watching an instructional video on the same procedure.

For Dr. Faiz Mohammad, learning practical techniques on oral hygiene and obstetrical emergencies – two common ailments throughout the province – will help him as he works in his clinic.

Afghan doctors from the Afghan security forces in Zharay district, practice suturing techniques at the Zharay Medical Conference held at Forward Operating Base Pasab.

Afghan doctors from the Afghan security forces in Zharay district, practice suturing techniques at the Zharay Medical Conference held at Forward Operating Base Pasab.

“I was excited to learn how to keep both our mouths and our children healthy,” said Dr. Mohammad. “Learning these procedures will help us as we bring better healthcare to Kandahar.”

The command surgeon for Regional Command South, Lt. Col. Robert Malsby, also participated in the conference, lending a hand to teaching suturing techniques to the civilian pharmacists who also attended.

Each of the participants who attended received a certificate of achievement, as well as a pack of medical supplies to be used for emergencies. For the Afghan doctors who attended the conference, the opportunity to learn simple techniques that would greatly enhance healthcare in Zharay, was a call to action.

“We are now charged with taking this information back to our clinics and patients, who will be better because of the training we received,” said Dr. Mohammad.

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