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Alliance for Quality Business Solution Charter

The Alliance for Quality Business Solutions
Greater Southwest Acquisition Center


Charter Created:  April 29, 1992
Dates Prepared/Modified by the Council
Last Revised: February 8, 2007



Section 1.  Name
The name of this organization shall be The Alliance for Quality Business Solutions.  The Alliance for Quality Business Solutions is a strategic partnership between GSA, its contractors, and mutual federal customers.

Section 2.  Mission
The Alliance will foster practical and beneficial business solutions throughout the federal marketplace.

Section 3.  Purpose

GSA in Region 7 created the Alliance for Quality Business Solutions to exclusively promote quality contract management through acquisition excellence. The purpose of this forum is to provide a positive environment that facilitates communication and to promote collaborative problem-solving among its participants.  Through this network, The Alliance for Quality Business Solutions shall endeavor to:
• Nurture communication and education platforms.
• Minimize impediments to continuous improvements and implement best solutions.
• Provide a positive environment to address opportunities in a dynamic marketplace.
• Create strategic partnerships that result in opportunities to keep customers informed about the MAS program and how to properly use them; provide maximum exposure to products and services offered by our Alliance Partners, and to position the MAS program as the acquisition option of choice among federal buyers.


Section 1.  Membership
There are three membership categories that comprise the Alliance Partnership.

Section 1 (a) General membership:  General membership consists of any contractor or contractor representative who has been awarded a contract for a schedule or who has management responsibility for a schedule program managed by the Greater Southwest Acquisition Center.

Section 1 (b)  Customer membership.  MAS customers are always welcome to attend Alliance Meetings.  However, customer membership will be on an ad hoc basis.

Section 1 (c)  Council membership, henceforth referred to as the Council, is the strategic arm of the Alliance Partnership.  Membership to the council will be limited to no more than 25  members.  The exception will be the addition of customers on an as needed basis.  To ensure representation for all programs areas and to ensure diversity, council membership will be as follows:

Schedule 56   2 contractors 1 Large Company, 1 Small Company
Schedule 73   2 contractors 1 Large Company, 1 Small Company
Schedule 78   2 contractors 1 Large Company, 1 Small Company
Schedule 84 (Security) 2 contractors 1 Large Company, 1 Small Company
Schedule 84 (Law Enforce) 2 contractors 1 Large Company, 1 Small Company
Schedule 736   2 contractors 1 Large Company, 1 Small Company
Scientific Schedules  2 contractors 1 Large Company, 1 Small Company
GSA    6-10 GSA Associates
Section 2.  Membership Criteria

To become a member of the Council, contractors must be nominated by a current Council Member in good standing and be recommended by a GSA Associate, preferably his/her Contracting Officer.  Council membership stays with the company.  In the event that a council member transfers to another company with a schedule program, the council member will continue his or her position as a member of the Council until the end of his or her tenure.  Upon fulfilling his or her term, the referenced council member must be re-nominated, meet member requirements, and submit an application.

(1) Customer
• Involvement in the federal arena (should represent contracting and/or actual user groups).
• Communication Skills.
• Buying Power.
• Current or potential buyers from GSAC contractors.
• Flexible attitude, versus dogmatic desire to maintain the status quo.

(2) Contractor
• Involvement in the federal arena (active participation in GSAC programs).
• Communication Skills.
• Commitment to the Alliance.
• Flexible attitude, versus dogmatic desire to maintain the status quo.

(3) Council membership
• Involvement in the federal arena (active participation in GSAC programs).
• Communication Skills.
• Commitment to the Alliance.
• Flexible attitude, versus dogmatic desire to maintain the status quo.
• Awarded a MAS contract or is responsible for the management of a MAS contract.
• Must be in good standing i.e. report sales per contract term, subcontracting plan if applicable, etc.
• Must be on GSA Advantage.

(4) GSA Associate
• Active involvement with GSAC customers.
• Communication skills.
• Knowledge of current or potential GSAC customers.
• Flexible attitude.
• Relationship and partnership orientation.
• Experience with relevant product lines.
• Ability to affect policy.
• Purchasing or ordering experience.

Section 3: Membership Recruitment

Council members will be nominated and voted on an as needed basis.  Interested contractors should complete the council member application.  The GSAC reserves the right to appoint additional members in order to gain full representation of program areas.  Criteria for membership include, but are not limited to criteria outlined in Article II, Section 2, Sub-section (3).  Additionally, the member company must have a MAS contract or represent an organization that has a MAS contract, be in good standing, obtain a reference letter from assigned Contracting Officer.


Section 1.  Council Members

The roster in Appendix A contains a list of the current Council Members.
Section 2.  Terms of Service
The term of office for the Council Members shall be two years. Council members may be re-nominated and reelected, but successive terms of office shall be limited to three.
Section 3.  Elections
Nominations can be received from all council members; however, final decisions on council membership will be determined by the Alliance Chair, Industry Chair, and the GSAC Center Director.


Section 1.  Duties of Chairperson

The Chairperson will be selected by majority vote by members.  This term will last for a maximum period of two-years, with a review and renewal option after the first year.  Responsibilities include:

• Assignment of projects relating to objectives of “The Alliance”.
• Monitoring effectiveness in achieving stated goals and objectives.
• Presenting specific task developments and progress at each Council meeting.
• Assigning action items.
• Coordinating requests / nominations for new membership.
• Coordinating participation in conferences / events.
• Preside over meetings.
• Assign committee duties.
• Ensure others carry out duties.
• Monitoring progress of various programs.
• Facilitate meetings.
• Represent the Alliance at functions approved by members.
• Appoints another member to “act” during absence.
• Contacting outside sources for help and assistance or delegating this duty to another member.
• Prime responsibility to the members and not to any other group.
• Provide for a mutual exchange of information between all participants.
• Facilitate forward progress of meetings.
• Continually communicate the foundation and objectives of the Alliance.
• Provide overall direction.
• Plan future meetings and functions.
• Provide assistance and guidance to task forces.
• Present reports at meetings.

Section 2.  Duties of Council Members

Responsibilities include:

• Participate in operation and planning of meetings.
• Coordinate meeting dates and place.
• Assist in developing the partnership between the GSA services.
• Assist in building customer relations.
• Perform assigned projects timely.
• Be prepared for meetings.
• Meet deadlines and following through on assignments.
• Seek knowledge on best practices.
• Problem solving.
• To diligently, faithfully and democratically fulfill their duties.
• Question what we do and how we do it.
• Focus on processes, not detailed tasks.
• See through customers’ eyes.
• Be ambitious, innovative and imaginative.
• Actively participate in committee processes.
• Form a list of alternates.
• Council members or alternates should attend all meetings.
• Serve as advisors for the GSAC’s programs.
• Provide input on topics for Alliance Meetings.

Section 3:  Duties of Coordinator

Responsibilities include:

• POC for member input into future topics.
• Coordinate meeting arrangements.
• Keep list of alternates.
• Facilitate scheduling of meeting.
• Maintain a membership directory.
• Reserve block of rooms when needed.
• Roll call at each meeting.
• State outstanding deadlines.
• Maintain history of the Alliance.
• Inform chairperson of any problems, etc.
• Minutes from prior meeting.
• Compile final agenda and distribute to members before next meeting.

Section 4.  Duties of Committees

Committees shall be created for specific purposes as deemed necessary by the Council. Such members may be replaced, or new members added, at any time and from time to time by the Council. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Council at its discretion may at any time assume any or all of the designated committees.


Section 1.  Scheduled Meetings

The Alliance will hold 2-4 meetings annually; however, the Council may choose to meet more frequently as necessary.  At a minimum, meetings will be hosted biannually: one in Fort Worth, Texas and the second will be conducted in conjunction with the GSA’s Expo.  There should be at least two teleconferences for the Council annually.  Lack of participation in meetings or more than two consecutive unexcused absences will result in review of his or her Council seat.

Section 2:  Agenda and Minutes

Agendas are to be distributed at least three (3) days in advance of meetings, along with all pertinent documents to be considered at the meeting; and written minutes of meetings are to be prepared and distributed to members within three (3) weeks after meetings, and approved for public viewing within five (5) weeks. A meeting outline should be provided to the Council by GSA with a request for comments on agenda topics one week prior to scheduled meetings.

Section 3:  Review

The Charter shall be reviewed annually by the Council with recommendations for changes submitted to Alliance Partners for review.

charter, Alliance