Wyden Talks Protect IP/ SOPA on C-SPAN's The Communicators

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Uploaded by on Jan 5, 2012

On C-SPAN's "The Communicators," Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), discusses legislation to combat online piracy. Wyden says two proposals, including SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, goes too far. He says SOPA would damage the domain name system - the basic architecture of the internet- would be compromised, it would harm efforts at cybersecurity and it would lead to censorship.

Video courtesy of C-SPAN.


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  • This is amazing stuff. SOPA and PIPA are very scary. Their intentions are good. Piracy is bad. Fact. But these bills have it all wrong. We need to protect the sovereignty of the Internet. Senator Wyden great work! The next round of government regulation of the Internet will likely be much scarier. Stay politically active youtubers, it's in your interest!

  • Senator Ron Wyden, whether or not you read this, I would like to thank you for being such an upstanding United States senator. You have taken an admirable stance to protect the rights of Americans, be it with the SOPA/PIPA acts or your efforts to secure information on the shady ACTA. I may be but a high school student from your home state of Kansas, but I offer you my full support and appreciation. You are a senator worth voting for.

  • um no. If this bill passes, saying "retard" can be censored and you may even have your account deleted

  • If America passes these bills, Europa loses the interest in America... Which basically means, that USA is fucked if this passes.

  • What about all my accounts?

  • remember all this in elections, you can stop politics like wyden voting for someone else, because politics without votes cannot exist.!!!

  • Perfect example of a democrat making himself look like a retard

  • I have a better idea, why not the parents and admins takes responsibility in their network, and not the govt.

  • What the heck. No more tw, No YouTube, No weekypedia, and maybe no more fB too .So. Nothing... No freedom of expression..Almost Everything will be censored. Ok ok he said it will be new FB and new of whatever, but We will be not allow to share anything. Damn. That we should think is: how will it really be those new versions of everything? If you are not allow to share anything. will it be really better? I don't thing so. I can't imagine fb, If I'm not allow to share a simple video

  • THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! there might not be rwj or smosh!

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