Reflecting the Views of the U.S. Government as Broadcast on The Voice of America

Security and Defense

A screen at the General Satellite Control and Command Center shows the moment North Korea's Unha-3 rocket is launched in Pyongyang, North Korea,  Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012. North Korea announced on February 12 that it had conducted its third nuclear test.

Audio North Korea's Third Nuclear Test

North Korea will find neither security nor prosperity in nuclear weapons or missiles. More

M23 rebels near the town of Bunagana, Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Nicolas Pinault/VOA)

Audio Ending Congo Instability A Moral Imperative

Despite the DRC’s seemingly intractable troubles, it would be a mistake for the international community to give up on it. More

North Korea's Unha-3 rocket lifts off from the Sohae launch pad in Tongchang-ri, North Korea. (file)

Audio U.S. Sanctions WMD Proliferation Facilitators

United States welcomes U.N. Security Council Resolution 2087, which sanctions a number of North Korean companies and government agencies. More

Then U.S. Secretary of State Clinton and Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida

Audio Clinton On Asia

Japan and the United States have a strong alliance that will continue to flourish under Secretary of State John Kerry More

Relatives mourn over the coffins of people killed in a bombing in Bulgaria as the remains arrived back at an airport in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 20, 2012.

Audio Hezbollah Responsible For Burgas Attack

“Hezbollah’s dangerous and destabilizing activities. . . . threaten the safety and security of nations around the world.” More

More Security and Defense Editorials

Audio Biden At Munich Security Conference

“It’s hard to imagine a single threat or a single opportunity that cannot be addressed more effectively if we do so together."

Audio US Sanctions More M23 Leaders

US taking additional action against leaders of rebel group in DRC.

Audio Biden Sees Progress Against Terrorism

International efforts to dismantle terrorist networks, and to stifle terrorist activity in all its forms, have been remarkably successful.

Audio Mali Begins Path Back To Democracy

Mali’s National Assembly unanimously has approved a road map for political transition.

Audio Biden Urges Iran To Engage Seriously

The United States is prepared to hold direct talks with the Iranian government about its nuclear program.

Audio Threats Persist In Somalia

The United States greatly regrets the loss of life in suicide bomber attack.

Audio Luna On Combating Impunity

“No economy is immune from corruption, nor can any economy combat it alone.”

Audio Patience Urged On DRC Peace Talks

We urge the parties to continue their dialogue and remain engaged with the United Nations on completing the agreement.

Audio Iran Complicit In Syrian Horror

Tehran and Damascus signed an agreement to open a $1 billion line of credit.

Audio Clinton On Iran At Global Town Hall Meeting

The “educated, intelligent, historically significant” Iranian people “deserve to have a government that integrates them into the world".

Audio New U.N. Sanctions On North Korea

The United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to impose new sanctions on North Korea in response to its rocket launch last month.

Audio U.S. Steps Up Aid To Mali

U.S. is increasing assistance to African-led operation against the militants.

Audio U.S. - Japan Alliance Remains Cornerstone

Regarding the Senkaku islands, Secretary Clinton reiterated the U.S. desire to see the parties peacefully resolve the matter through dialogue.

Audio U.S. Committed To NATO

The United States affirms that NATO will remain a strong, flexible alliance capable of dealing with 21st century challenges.

Rice On Counterterrorism

The United Nations Security Council has developed a comprehensive strategy to fight terrorism.

Audio International Community Stands With Mali

The United States shares the goal of France and others in the international community of denying terrorists a safe haven in Mali.

Audio Obama And Karzai Meet

Consultations reaffirmed the historic strategic partnership between both countries.

Audio U.S. Support For Syrian People Continues

Much of this U.S. assistance has gone toward keeping the displaced warm.

Audio Peace Deal Hailed In Central Africa

The agreement ends the immediate threat of violence and promises the return to the rule of law.

Audio U.S. To Head Counter-Piracy Group

The Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia — has chosen the United States as its chair for 2013.