A love note to education conferences

In my suitcase I have a collapsible jug, tube, funnel, glitter, pebbles, foam hearts, sea shells, and empty plastic bottles—all part of the materials I need for a presentation at the 2017 ECSTEM conference (February 3-4), organized by The Children’s Center at Caltech, in collaboration with THINK Together.

Conference organizers greeting people as they arriveAn education conference is a joyful place where people are seriously planning to help children develop into critical thinkers, future leaders and life-long learners, as well as learn skills and content matter. This kind of professional development connects people who have experience and want discussion around their topic with people who want to learn about it. And it connects education researchers with people who are teachers so their conversation can be mutually beneficial. These connections can extend beyond the conferences and become resources for each of us. Conferences expose us to regional differences in schools, programs and culture, and to the many, many vendors that sell to the education community. Being at a conference as it unfolds gives us new appreciation for our education associations and organizations, for their ability to build a system that can meet many of the needs of a community that is so diverse. I know a conference was time well spent when I feel part of a group that wants a good future for all children; when I’ve learned some new science content; gained insight into how children learn, how adults learn, and how schools can become better at supporting science learning; and have resources and connections to colleagues who I can turn to with questions.

Working together in a session on science and engineering practicesA science education conference is a place for early childhood educators and an early childhood education conference is a place for science educators. We have to show up and contribute to create the conference experience that will benefit our teaching practice and our students. Having a colleague work with me at my first conference presentation (using an overhead projector to share photos of children at work in a science exploration) made this first experience less daunting. Those of us who have been in the profession for longer can partner with newer educators to support their first presentation experience as we learn from them. Any who are able can donate to scholarship programs that pay for conference registrations, housing and travel for those whose programs can’t pay these expenses.

I’m looking forward to the 2017 NSTA national conference in Los Angeles where I’ll participate in the amazing Elementary Extravaganza event and take in as many other sessions as I can! Early bird registration deadline is February 3!

What local, regional, state, or national conference do you recommend?

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Writing in Science

I’m looking for ideas to incorporate writing into my general biology classes. I’ve tried term papers but many of my students struggled and it took a lot of class time. Any ideas for other relevant writing assignments?  —V., Ohio

Writing in science has alternatives to traditional term papers or reports. Rather than making a formal writing project an “event” in class, it might be beneficial for students to experience how communicating information is an everyday science practice (as described in the Next Generation Science Standards).

A museum herpetologist told a group of teachers that although his research focused on snakes in their environments, a good portion of his time was spent writing—notes, memos, observations, summaries, reports, journal articles, blog entries, and letters. So if you have students write lab reports, make journal entries, summarize their learning, contribute to a class blog, take their own notes, or respond to open-ended items on an assessment, you’re already helping students with the focused type of writing used in science and engineering.

You can’t assume that students have the writing skills they need (especially for a term paper or formal report). You can teach students about writing, but the best way to develop skills is to have them write through planned and purposeful activities in class. Modeling is essential. Show students what effective science writing looks like (incorporating both words and graphics). Show them examples of ineffective writing and ask them to clarify it. Do a “think-aloud” as you write along with the students. Show them the value of text structures such as bulleted or numbered lists, headings, or tables.

When students display or share their writing in the classroom or with the community through a webpage or other publications, having an authentic audience adds another dimension of relevancy.

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Go Wireless® Heart Rate



Vernier’s Go Wireless® Heart Rate monitor is an excellent way for students to engage in real data collection when doing cardiovascular explorations in the science classroom. The heart rate monitor offers students the opportunity to monitor their heart rates in a variety of ways. For example, students can take their pulse before, during, and after exercising. While doing so, the data is being collected and transmitted wirelessly through a Bluetooth sensor via a free “App” for either an Android or iOS device. Once downloaded, students can use the Graphical Analysis App to wirelessly collect, analyze, and share data collected from the sensor. Hence, students can do real-time graphs from the experimental data that can enhance their work and lab reports with easy annotations, statistics, and curve fits.

How does it work?

First, it worth emphasizing that the Vernier’s Go Wireless® Heart Rate monitor is an incredibly user-friendly device. The first step before beginning an experiment is to download the Graphical Analysis App, which is compatible for iOS devices (version 2.2 or newer) at the App Store and Android devices (version 2.1 or newer).

Once the download is complete, there are two separate components of interest: 1)  the Heart Rate Hand Grips and 2) the Polar Transmitter Module (battery included).  Once connected, the Polar Transmitter Module detects each electrical signal from the heart from the electrodes on the hand grips. Subsequently, while holding the hand grips, the heart rate data is transmitted wirelessly to your mobile device. Since each device has a unique ID located on the side of the Polar Transmitter Module, by opening the Graphical Analysis App, you can identify the correct ID and proceed to  analyze your data.



Since the data is collected in real time, however, the students can see the data being collected, which gives them an opportunity to examine how their physical activity levels affect pulse rate  variations. Here are some examples of science activities that can be used with Vernier’s Go Wireless® Heart Rate monitor:

Heart Rate and Exercise: https://www.vernier.com/files/sample_labs/HP-A-04-COMP-heart_rate_exercise.pdf

Heart Rate and Blood Pressure as Vital Signs: https://www.vernier.com/files/sample_labs/HP-A-10-COMP-heart_rate_bp.pdf

Effect of Coughing on Heart Rate: https://www.vernier.com/files/sample_labs/HP-A-06-COMP-effect_of_coughing.pdf


Vernier’s Go Wireless® Heart Rate monitor is an exciting new tool to explore heart rate in the science classroom. Undoubtedly, it will give students a conceptual understanding of how different levels of exercise intensity can change heart rate variations and will also challenge your students to get out of their seats and enjoy this user friendly scientific device for meaningful learning. If you are looking for a way to maximize your students’ interest in learning about heart rate; Vernier’s Go Wireless® Heart Rate monitor is an excellent tool for meeting the instructional objectives.

Cost: $89

Product Site: https://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/heart-rate-sensors/gw-hr/

User Manual: https://www.vernier.com/files/manuals/gw-hr.pdf

Edwin P. Christmann is a professor and chairman of the secondary education department and graduate coordinator of the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Anthony Balos is a graduate student and a research assistant in the secondary education program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.





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Science 2.0: Help Students Become Innovative Designers

Our past three columns described how teachers can implement the first three Empowered Learner Standards established by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). This month, we focus on classroom strategies to support the fourth standard: Innovative Designer.

The performance indicators in the Innovative Designer standard align with the practices of scientific inquiry, which help students conduct scientific investigations. Students become innovative designers once they meet these performance indicators:

  • know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems;
  • select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks;
  • develop, test, and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process; and
  • exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance, and the capacity to work with open-ended problems (ISTE 2016). (italics added)

It’s worth noting that only the second performance indicator, where students plan and manage the design process, actually requires using technology. For this indicator, digital mapping tools (e.g., Lucidchart, MindMap) work well.

Defining innovation
Innovation implies that students must come up with something new or original and is often associated with great improvements to the way of life. This is a paradigm that science teachers must shift.

Accomplishments by companies such as Tesla or Apple are the exception, not the norm, and may only serve as a form of inspiration. Teachers should encourage students to be motivated by their successes and learn from their practices, but we must establish a classroom culture and norms that allow students to experience innovation in their own right.

Simplifying innovation
Tony Wagner, author of Creating Innovators, makes the compelling argument that innovation is really just the act of creative problem solving. To foster this type of behavior, he says, a classroom must promote passion, play, and purpose. Creating a classroom culture that grows innovative designers should therefore be examined through the lens of these “three Ps.”

However, not all activities need to promote this definition of innovation. Traditional types of activities are often the necessary foundation for students to learn scientific investigation. Students should still follow prescribed steps that allow them to learn measurement, instrumentation, and observation. However, once students become proficient in these skills, they should begin to choose their own learning path to foster the three Ps.

Science classroom innovation
When students explore their passions and are given the opportunity to find authentic problems with purpose, students will find that their work feels more like play. The timeless quote by Ray Bradbury, “Love what you do, do what you love…” could never be more applicable as when students find passion and purpose in their work.

Teachers can begin activities with simple questions, “Tell us what waves do?” “Show us how a chemical reaction works.” and “Is our local stream healthy?” Although such questions are derived from traditional activities, students can take ownership of each question when they choose their path and add purpose to their work. Finally, students also need to develop a tenacious approach to these problems so they demonstrate grit. When that happens, we begin to see innovation.

Ben Smith (ben@edtechinnovators.com) is an educational technology program specialist, and Jared Mader (jared@edtechinnovators.com) is the director of educational technology, for the Lincoln Intermediate Unit in New Oxford, Pennsylvania. They conduct teacher workshops on technology in the classroom nationwide.

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). 2016. The 2016 ISTE standards for students. Arlington, VA: ISTE. http://bit.ly/ISTE-standards

Editor’s Note

This article was originally published in the January 2017 issue of The Science Teacher journal from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

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Join NSTA today and receive The Science Teacher,
the peer-reviewed journal just for high school teachers; to write for the journal, see our Author GuidelinesCall for Papers, and annotated sample manuscript; connect on the high school level science teaching list (members can sign up on the list server); or consider joining your peers at future NSTA conferences.

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Ideas and inspiration from NSTA’s K-12 journals–January 2017

Science Scope – Systems Thinking

The articles this month provide “examples of how to integrate the crosscutting concept of systems and system models” into the classroom. (From the Editor’s Desk: Systems Thinking Solutions) Featured articles that describe lessons include a helpful sidebar (“At a Glance”) documenting the big idea, essential pre-knowledge, time, and cost.

The lessons also include connections with the NGSS.

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Buoyancy, Constellations, Ecosystems, Equilibrium, Fluids and Pressure, Force of Gravity, Galileo, Gravity, Matter and Energy, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Robots, Submarines and Undersea Technology, Systems

Continue for Science and Children, The Science Teacher

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What Are the National Academies and How Can You Use Them to Transform Your Teaching?

During Recognition Week for the 2006 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, awardees gathered in a Washington, DC, hotel for a federal agencies breakfast.  While all 10 agencies present that morning provided awardees with an overview of their educational programs and outreach opportunities, it was The National Academies’ information that especially appealed to my desire to translate educational research into practice.  I learned how The National Academies advances and fosters an awareness of the best cutting-edge science and its use in programs and reports. Unlike other Academies in many other countries, the U.S. Academies are not an arm of the federal government. The National Academies are a private, non-profit organization that depends on grants and contracts to support their work.   

Later during Recognition Week, I received a copy of Taking Science to School, a consensus report from The National Academies during one of the professional development sessions. Besides the National Science Education Standards, this book was my first in depth exposure to a National Academies evidence-based consensus report. Upon receiving the report, a summary of major findings and conclusions was provided by one of the reports committee members.  It was during this professional development session that I became aware of the four strands of science learning. (See October 2016 Science Scope for related article). Continue reading …

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Here’s Why Space Nerds Need to Be at #NSTA17 LA

We didn’t invent the term space nerds; we just invited the two most interesting people on the planet who are proud to own it to speak at NSTA’s 2017 National Conference in Los Angeles: March 30–April 2.

Weir gets up close and personal with Robonaut2. Image Credit NASA James Blair and Lauren Harnett

15 Early Birds Get to Dine With Andy Weir

Our keynote speaker is Andy Weir, author of the New York Times best seller The Martian, and a lifelong space nerd and devoted hobbyist of subjects like relativistic physics, orbital mechanics, and the history of manned spaceflight. Join us in LA to hear Weir speak on Thursday, March 30, from 9:15–10:30 AM.

Register by the earlybird deadline, February 3, and you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a special VIP experience. Fifteen lucky winners will receive: Continue reading …

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Science classroom libraries

I am a new elementary librarian, and I want to prioritize science nonfiction. I’m looking for suggestions to help teachers who often do not have time to collect books from the library. I also need ideas for books to purchase.  — J., New York

I spoke with a librarian colleague, who did what you are considering. She suggested asking teachers for a schedule of topics they work on throughout the year. She had a large plastic tub for each classroom where she put corresponding books covering a range of reading levels. For each unit, the classroom received a new set of supplementary books. She often had older students or parent volunteers prepare the boxes.

To find appropriate titles for all grade levels, I have used the NSTA website. Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 and the Best STEM Books K-12 contain lists compiled by NSTA in association with the Children’s Book Council. The titles are listed by year and include an annotated description of each book. NSTA Recommends also has monthly updates in the NSTA journals.

All of these titles are also in the second source, NSTA Recommends. This is a broader, searchable list that includes reviews of books and other media. The reviews are written by science educators and can be searched by format (e.g., print, kits, DVDs), keywords (e.g., weather, machines, insects), and grade level (K through college). The lists can be exported as Excel spreadsheets.

The School Library Journal also has a list of recommended Science and Nature Books for Kids.

Some teachers might be willing to help you select the books or suggest topics—perhaps during a faculty meeting or workshop on science and reading.


Photo:  https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1033/1333506858_2f1392116d_m_d.jpg

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Health Wise: Why Teens Need the HPV Vaccine

About 79 million Americans have human papillomavirus (HPV), the nation’s top sexually transmitted disease. “Nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives,” according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2016a).

HPV usually goes away on its own. But sometimes, HPV can cause genital warts or cancer, even decades after an individual has sex with an infected person. HPV can cause cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, or anus, as well as oral cancers.

High school students are especially at risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (Bratsis 2014). Each year, about 14 million people, including teens, become infected with HPV, and more than 11,000 women get cervical cancer due to HPV, the CDC says (2016a).

The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP 2015) recommend that all boys and girls ages 11–12 get HPV vaccinations, which are given in a series of two or three shots. According to the CDC (2015), the vaccine targets the most common of the more than 150 types of HPV.

“Teen boys and girls who did not start or finish the HPV vaccine series when they were younger should get it now,” the CDC recommends (CDC 2016b). “Young women can get the HPV vaccine through age 26, and young men can get vaccinated through age 21. The vaccine is also recommended for any man who has sex with men through age 26.” Continue reading …

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Legislative Update: Unions and Civil Rights Groups Strongly Oppose DeVos Nomination

In what will likely be the first of many battles to come, teacher unions and civil rights groups have come out swinging against the nomination of Betsy DeVos to become U.S. Secretary of Education while Republican governors are applauding President-elect Trump for his “inspired choice” to reform federal education policy.

The Senate confirmation hearing for DeVos, originally scheduled for January 11, was postponed one week and is now scheduled for January 17 at 5 p.m. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN), chair of the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), HELP’s ranking Democrat, said in a statement the hearing change was made to accommodate the Senate schedule.  Later media reports indicated the hearing date was pushed back because the ethics check on DeVos was not completed.

After meeting with DeVos last week, Sen. Murray said in a statement, “I continue to have serious concerns about her long record of working to privatize and defund public education, expand taxpayer-funded private school vouchers, and block accountability for charter schools.”

Sen. Alexander told The Chattanoogan, “Betsy DeVos and I had a great meeting today, and she is going to make an excellent Secretary of Education. I’m looking forward to her hearing because I know she will impress the Senate with her passionate support for improving education for all children.”

In a letter to Sen. Alexander, 18 Republican governors said that DeVos was an “inspired” choice. “Betsy DeVos will fight to streamline the federal education bureaucracy, return authority back to states and local school boards, and ensure that more dollars are reaching the classroom…Betsy DeVos also is a passionate supporter of increasing parental engagement in their children’s education and of harnessing the power of competition to drive improvement in all K-12 schools, whether they be public, private or virtual.”

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights—a coalition of more than 200 national organizations—said in a letter, “We reject the notion that children are well served by the dismantling of a public school system that serves 90 percent of all American students or by the elimination of civil rights protections that require the federal government to intervene when students are discriminated against.” Continue reading …

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