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  • Afghanistan and Pakistan

    Ten years after Afghanistan-based Al Qaeda terrorists attacked the United States on September 11th, 2001, Afghanistan and Pakistan remain a central front in our fight against Islamic extremists. The previous Administration took its eye off the ball in Afghanistan by invading Iraq, stretching our resources too thin and distracting us from the war against Al Qaeda. But in recent years, the United States and our allies have committed enough personnel and resources to realistically address the threats we face in Afghanistan, and our men and women in uniform continue to courageously meet these challenges.

  • Agriculture

    As a former state legislator and friend once told me, "Mark, if you eat, you're in agriculture." Truer words were never spoken, and I have always kept them in mind. From orchards on the Western Slope to dairies in Morgan County, our farms and ranches are a critical part of Colorado's economy and identity.

  • Bridging the Partisan Divide

    American families are facing tremendous challenges today - from skyrocketing health care costs to job losses, and they're impatient with politics and with good reason. Coloradans have told me that they want me to fight for them in Washington, D.C., not as a member of one political party or another, but as an independent thinker who will do what is best for the state, even if it means sometimes diverging from my political party. We have to find solutions to major problems we face - our country depends on it. Only by bridging the partisan divide will we be able to make real progress.

  • Caring for Former Rocky Flats Workers

    In the decades following World War II, hundreds of thousands of Americans went to work to help build our nation's nuclear arsenal. Their service made it possible for us to win the Cold War. And like veterans of "hot" wars, they sacrificed for our freedom. Many of these workers were exposed to dangerous substances on the job - often without their knowledge. Among them were thousands of Coloradans who worked at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, many of whom now suffer from beryllium disease, cancer, or other serious illnesses.

  • Education

    A quality education is the most important gift we can give our children. It is the key to a prosperous future and a strong economy. And that's why guaranteeing an excellent education that gives every student a chance to succeed has been one of my priorities for as long as I've been in public service. I know that by working together, we can ensure our young people are leaving school prepared to secure good-paying jobs in the global economy, particularly growing fields like the burgeoning clean energy economy.

  • Energy and Environment

    It's time to think about the future - our national security and our economy depend on it. Reducing our dependence on foreign oil and curbing the effects of climate change have been priorities of mine since I first entered Congress, and now I'm working in the Senate to see that these important values are reflected in public policy. I believe that there isn't a silver bullet that will solve our energy problems - what we need is silver buckshot. That means an all-of-the-above approach that includes all energy sources, with a special emphasis on those that are clean and domestic. That means everything from renewable energy and energy efficiency to natural gas and nuclear power. This will help diversify the sources on which we depend, stabilize prices, create new jobs, and make our country more secure.

  • Fiscal Responsibility

    Our nation is now emerging from the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, but we aren't out of the woods yet. Many of Colorado's hardworking families continue to struggle with joblessness, slumping housing values, home foreclosures, and a sluggish credit market. My top priority is to do everything I can to help Colorado families feel secure again - and that must include getting our nation's fiscal house in order.

  • Health Care

    As I visit communities across our state, Coloradans consistently tell me that one of their top concerns is the rising cost of health care. Families and small businesses are being crushed by skyrocketing costs, and - if they have health insurance at all - they're struggling to keep up with co-pays and deductibles. Too many Coloradans are skipping doctors' appointments altogether because they can't afford the payments. Others are frustrated by health insurance plans that cut back on coverage or drop people for getting sick.

  • Hunting, Fishing, and 2nd Amendment Rights

    Having grown up in the West, I have a deep appreciation for our outdoor heritage. As a kid I learned how to shoot a rifle, and as an instructor and later executive director of Colorado Outward Bound, I developed a great respect for Colorado's wildlife and habitat. Gun-ownership, hunting and fishing are all a part of the way of life in the West, and as a Member of Congress I support the role that sportsmen and women play in promoting responsible wildlife management and conservation of our great outdoors.

  • Immigration Reform

    Immigration has always been an important part of our history and our success as a country. We’re largely a nation of immigrants – throughout our history people from around the world have come here to find better lives for themselves and their families.  In Colorado, immigrants have come to our state to farm and ranch, to build railroads, and to work as miners, among many other pursuits.  Their contributions have had a lasting and positive impact on our state's economy and cultural heritage.

  • Jobs and the Economy

    Several years since the economic crisis of 2008, Colorado families and small businesses are still struggling to regain their footing. Now more than ever, job number one for government must be turning our economy around. We all know that the private sector needs to drive job growth, but government should do everything in its power to create the kind of environment that allows businesses to expand. As your senator, my primary goal is to do everything I can to put the right policies in place to ensure Coloradans have the tools they need to succeed. From my perspective, there are three things the Congress should focus on to help Colorado – and the country – win the global economic race: encouraging innovation, fiscal discipline and reform from within.

  • Native Americans

    Throughout my time in Congress, I have strongly supported improving Indian health care, not only as a trust responsibility of the federal government, but also to address the large health disparities and service gaps many American Indians experience.

  • Natural Resources

    As a native Westerner, I'm passionate about preserving our natural environment and quality of life. For generations, my family has hiked, skied and rafted many of Colorado's wild lands and rivers. I have a deep attachment to the West, its landscapes and way of life, and that is one of the primary reasons I sought public office.

  • Oversight and Government Reform

    Help me identify government waste, abuse or excessive red tape that you see in your daily life.

  • Science and Technology

    All across Colorado, companies, universities and federal laboratories are making critical advances in science and technology, educating future generations of engineers, researchers, CEOs and teachers in the process. (And we have many Nobel Prizes to show for it!) This base of talent is the catalyst for creating and recruiting new businesses to the state.

  • Taxes

    The federal government isn’t the primary creator of jobs – the private sector is. But my number one goal is to make sure I'm doing everything I can to put the right policies in place to ensure Coloradans have the tools they need to succeed. From my perspective, to help Colorado - and the country - win the global economic race, there are three things the government needs to focus on: reform from within, fiscal discipline and innovation.

  • Terrorism and National Security

    The attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, united our country as we confronted the international security challenge posed by extremist Islamic terrorist groups like al Qaeda. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I have a seat at the table as we make important decisions about how to secure our nation. And I am firmly committed to helping Colorado and our nation win the fight against the forces of terrorism.

  • Veterans

    My father served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and I have a deep respect for those who have served our country in uniform. From my father's experience, I know how important it is that we honor our promise to provide veterans with health care, education, and other benefits. If you have served our country and risked your life for our freedom, we owe you a debt of gratitude that matches your sacrifice - and that includes comprehensive health care and benefits.

  • Water

    All of Colorado needs secure supplies of clean water today, and we each need to do our part to carefully plan for water use to support future growth and prosperity. With Colorado's population expected to double by 2050, putting enormous new demands on already-stretched water supplies, it is in the best interest of each of us to work together to manage our most precious natural resource.

Regional Offices

Northwest Region
P.O. Box 866
Clark, CO 80428
P: 303-650-7820

Central Mountain Region
P.O. Box 743
Tabernash, CO 80478
P: 303-650-7820

Northeast Region
801 8th Street
Suite 140A
Greeley, CO 80631
P: 970-356-5586

Driving Directions

West Slope Region
400 Rood Avenue
Suite 220
Grand Junction, CO 81501
P: 970-245-9553

Driving Directions

Denver Metro Area Region
999 18th Street
Suite 1525, North Tower
Denver, CO 80202
P: 303-650-7820

Driving Directions

Southern Colorado Region
107 West B Street
Pueblo, CO 81003
P: 719-542-1701

Driving Directions

Four Corners Region
954 East 2nd Avenue
Suite 106
Durango, CO 81301
P: 970-247-1047

Driving Directions

Pikes Peak Region
2880 International Circle
Suite 107
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
P: 719-471-3993

Driving Directions

San Luis Valley Region Office
609 Main Street
Suite 205
Alamosa, CO 81101
P: 719-589-2101

Regional Information

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