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Terrorism and National Security

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Senator Mark Udall boards an airplane bound for Pakistan, while on a congressional delegation trip to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan in October, 2010. View more photos on Flickr

The attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 united our country as we confronted the international security challenge posed by extremist Islamic terrorist groups like al Qaeda. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I am firmly committed to helping Colorado and our nation win the fight against the forces of terrorism. I am equally committed to ensuring that we enact tough but smart policies that protect Constitutional freedoms while keeping Americans safe.
In February, 2011, I partnered with the Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (The CELL) in Denver to host a national security forum about keeping our homeland safe, where I laid out many of my principles on this issue. I was joined by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral James “Sandy” Winnefeld, former Ambassador to Iraq and Korea Christopher Hill, and former Presidential Homeland Security Advisor Kenneth Wainstein for a robust conversation about the challenges and threats facing the United States.  The Associated Press reported on the productive discussion we had HERE, and you can watch a video of the event, Emerging Threats to U.S. National Security: From Iran to Global Terrorism, HERE:

We have learned two important lessons in recent years, both at far too dear a cost. First, we can't afford to ignore the threat of religious extremism abroad. And second, aggressive military action won't fully deter the threat of terrorism at home. We must be both smart and tough as we engage with our allies and adversaries. We can reach both goals with a strong military, robust diplomacy, and strategic alliances.
Keeping America safe in our post-9/11 world will require us to rise above the partisan attacks of recent years and come up with comprehensive, tough, and intelligent solutions to our national security vulnerabilities. Homeland security is as important in our state as it is in border states and communities – that was reinforced recently when law enforcement arrested terrorism suspects were in Colorado. The cooperation that it took to apprehend these suspects underscores the importance of federal and local governments working together to defend our communities. I am optimistic that we can meet new and existing threats, and I look forward to continuing this difficult and urgent work. As I do, I will always keep in mind what is right for Colorado and our nation. Count on me to use my constitutional power of oversight to look closely at the Administration's plans for homeland security, and to represent your voices in Washington, D.C.

Press Coverage Regarding Senator Udall's Work on National Security:

  • Supporting Navy Alternative Energy Research

    I led a letter to Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus expressing strong support for the Navy’s efforts to develop and employ alternative energy technologies. A total of 18 Senators, including myself, signed the letter. The letter states that research and development of new technologies has long been critical to maintaining America’s strategic advantage. We strongly believe that new energy development will save lives and money while creating new jobs and reducing American dependence on foreign oil.

  • Supporting Veterans Exposed to Hazardous Chemicals

    On Nov. 3, 2011, I co-sponsored Senator Tom Udall's bipartisan Open Burn Pit Registry Act (S.1798) because our service members overseas are too frequently exposed to toxic fumes and chemicals from burn pits used to incinerate trash including human waste, plastic, batteries, scrap metals, solvents, and other potentially hazardous materials. We must do more to track and identify those exposed to hazardous chemicals from burn pits, to allow the Department of Veterans Affairs to better understand and treat the threat posed by exposure to these fumes. Our servicemen and women put their lives on the line for our safety, and in return we have promised to provide them with the best possible care. I will always fight to protect and promote the health of our men and women in uniform. 

  • Correcting Misleading Statements about Secret Laws

    I firmly believe that terrorism is a serious threat to the United States. As a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees, much of my attention is centered on keeping Americans safe, both at home and abroad. However, while I believe that our intelligence practices should be kept secret, I do not believe that the government’s official interpretation of these laws should also be kept secret. Without publicly available information about the government’s understanding of its authorities, the risk of the public being misled or misinformed is increased. I sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to clarify statements made by a Department of Justice spokesman that I think may be misleading to many members of the public. I will continue to fight to see that the administration is not using secret interpretations of the PATRIOT Act to subvert our constitutional rights.

  • Border Security

    The status quo is not an option if we want an immigration system that protects American workers, strengthens America's competitiveness, and ensures the security of our ports, borders and all points in between. Continuing to maintain operational control of our ports of entry and targeting the human trafficking, illicit trade of weapons, drugs and money remains a priority. This is why I supported recent bipartisan legislation, which provides such funding without adding to our debt. The Emergency Border Security Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR.6080/S.3721) will provide targeted funding to hire 1,500 additional Customs and Border Protection agents and supply additional technology and resources to improve interagency response to fight crime at our borders.

    While this bill will help ensure we are targeting adequate resources to fight crime at our borders and ports of entry, we still need comprehensive immigration reform that will address the overarching problems of our immigration system. I will continue to work with members of both parties to build support for a comprehensive approach to restore order to our immigration system.


  • Department of Defense Energy Security Act

    The U.S. military is the single largest consumer of energy in the world - consuming more energy per day than 85 percent of the world's countries. Both at home and abroad, a stable and secure energy supply is a challenge for our military, since the bulk of that energy comes from fossil fuels and is transported on our fragile electric grid. By increasing the Pentagon's consumption of clean energy, we can reduce costs and increase troop safety. My bill has four broad goals: It would reduce the Pentagon's reliance on oil on the battlefield; task the Department of Defense (DOD) to plan better for its energy use; decrease electricity consumption at our military facilities around the world; and increase the self-reliance of our military bases by increasing the development of on-site renewable electricity. It would also require DOD to develop an implementation plan for accomplishing its goal of deriving 25 percent of the military's electricity from renewable sources by 2025. With our military leading the way on new energy technologies and applications, these investments can be catalyzed to support efforts in the civilian clean energy sector, creating new technological breakthroughs and new jobs.

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