U.S. Department of Justice

NIC Fiscal Year 2006 Service Plan: Technical Assistance, Information, and Training for Adult Corrections

Publication year: 2005 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 020439

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  • 2005
  • 166 pages.

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  • NIC Fiscal Year 2006 Service Plan: Technical Assistance, Information, and Training for Adult Corrections

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Service Plan for fiscal year 2006 describes opportunities available to those working in local, state, and federal corrections. The fiscal year extends from October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006. Programming, international assistance, information services, technical assistance, distance learning via satellite/Internet broadcasts, NIC Learning Center, and partnership programs are described. Application forms are included for individuals attending NIC programs, for agencies interested in hosting partnership training programs, for broadcast host site coordinators for 3-hour and 24- to 32-hour satellite/Internet distance training programs, and for persons interested in serving as a regional field coordinator (RFC).

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