U.S. Department of Justice

Achieving Performance Excellence (APEX)

Achieving Performance Excellence (APEX) is a business model that offers a systems approach to change, specifically for correctional organizations. It provides multiple tools and strategies to build sustainable capacity toward higher performance, evidence-based practices, and data-driven decision making. Safety and security is one of the foundational principles of APEX. In addition, this model provides a pathway for agencies to create an organizational culture and a management environment that encourages innovative ideas to improve services, processes, and results.

APEX includes these components:
  1. The APEX Public Safety Model
  2. The APEX Guidebook Series
  3. The APEX Assessment Tool Protocol
  4. The APEX Change Agent Training

The APEX Public Safety Model

APEX Safety Model

The APEX Public Safety Model includes eight domains that reflect the shared vision and operating values of everyone working in any corrections system. In this model, the Organizational Culture domain is placed at the top to show that it is an umbrella over the organization, how it operates, and what it values. The Leadership, Strategic Planning, Stakeholder Focus, Workforce Focus, and Operations Focus domains rest on a foundation of Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management. All domains lead to Results.

The APEX Guidebook Series

The APEX Assessment Tool Protocol

These tools provide a comprehensive and systems-based picture of how a correctional organization operates in the eight domains, how ready the organization is to begin a change effort, and informs the development of plans and strategies to improve performance. Agencies can choose to use only the tools they wish and base their implementation plans on those results. The assessment tool protocol includes:

The APEX Change Agent Training

The APEX Change Agent Training is designed to create internal change agents in all sectors of corrections. The training will enable participants to be able to take the APEX Guidebook series and Assessment Tools out to their agencies and successfully implement the APEX processes: assisting their agencies as they go through the culture and performance tools, developing integrated and holistic implementation plans to meet any identified gaps, and working toward sustaining the change efforts.

Currently NIC is working with Iowa Department of Corrections and the Story County (IA) Jail.

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Recommended Reading

Date Title Type
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Achieving Performance Excellence: The Influence of Leadership on Organizational Performance
By Cebula, Nancy; Craig, Elizabeth; Eggers, John; Fajardo, Marge Douville; Gray, James; Lantz, Theresa. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Leadership is a very important component of higher performing organizations. This book presents a breadth and depth of information about leading others and describes what leaders need to excel at and what up-and-coming leaders need to know as they prepare themselves for leadership positions. Taking a balanced approach to leadership allows correctional leaders to influence different people and diverse stakeholder groups in differing situations. Good leaders know when they need to manage rather t... Read More
100 pages
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APEX Resources Directory Vol. 2: Communications, Focus Groups, and Development
By Bilson, Janet Mancini; Cebula, Nancy; Innes, Christopher; Lantz, Theresa; Ritter, Elizabeth; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“APEX Resources Directory Volume 2 provides supportive information to correctional agencies embarking on the APEX (Achieving Performance Excellence) journey. It introduces the National Institute of Correc¬tions (NIC) Information Center, provides detailed information on creating a communications plan for those implementing the APEX Initiative, describes how to use focus groups to effectively gather information and feed-back, and includes a team development guide for those who want to build teams,... Read More
76 pages
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Culture and Change Management: Using APEX to Facilitate Organizational Change
By Cebula, Nancy; Craig, Elizabeth; Innes, Christopher; Lantz, Theresa; Rhone, Tanya; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Culture, including beliefs, assumptions, values, norms, and practices in an organization, determines the success of an organization’s performance and change efforts. This book helps illuminate the role culture plays in an organization that is striving for higher performance ... Knowledge of culture enables an organization to proceed along the path to successful change. The APEX Change Management Model provides a process and map for organizational change based in research and best practices; it ... Read More
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Understanding Corrections through the APEX Lens
By Cebula, Nancy; Lantz, Theresa; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This guidebook “is the second book in the APEX Guidebook series and is designed to help correctional practitioners deepen their knowledge of the Public Safety Model domains. It offers practical suggestions for improving performance and creating positive change by sharing best-practice methods and current literature on higher performance in corrections” (p. ix). APEX itself provides strategies for achieving performance excellence in the Public Safety Model domains—operations (which includes sa... Read More
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APEX: Building the Model and Beginning the Journey
By Cebula, Nancy; Lantz, Theresa; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Through extensive research and analysis, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is offering the field of corrections a comprehensive business model entitled the APEX (Achieving Performance Excellence) Initiative. The APEX Initiative is an agency-driven systems approach to building capacity for higher organizational performance, best practices, data-driven decisionmaking using multiple self-assessment tools, and a Guidebook series with strategies, interventions, and pathways. The APEX Publi... Read More
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Applying the APEX Tools for Organizational Assessment
By Bogue, Bradford; Cebula, Nancy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Previously, not many assessment tools looked at issues that specifically affect those who work in the field of corrections … [This book] presents three organizational assessment tools developed specifically for the field of corrections. The APEX assessment tools are designed to look at an agency’s readiness to take on a change process, understand the importance of safety and security to correctional operations, measure performance on the APEX Public Safety Model’s eight domains, and provide gui... Read More
128 pages

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