United Kingdom

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Capital: London
Area: 243,610 sq km
Comparative area: slightly smaller than Oregon
Population (July 2011 estimate): 62,698,362
Official language: English
International Organizations and Agreements:NATO, European Union, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), United Nations (and permanent member of the UN Security Council), World Trade Organization

The United Kingdom and the United States have a special relationship. Bilateral cooperation reflects the common language, ideals, and democratic practices of the two nations.  The United Kingdom and the United States maintain frequent dialogue on foreign policy matters and share many national security objectives.

The United Kingdom is one of NATO's major European maritime, air, and land powers; it ranks third among NATO countries in total defense expenditure. The British Armed Forces are charged with protecting the United Kingdom and its overseas territories, promoting Britain's wider security interests, and supporting international peacekeeping efforts.

More than 10,000 U.S. military members are stationed within the UK; resulting in numerous bi-lateral agreements, including Defense Cooperation in Arms, Acquisition and Cross-Servicing, and Status of Forces. U.K. troops participate in numerous NATO and multi-lateral exercises, such as LOYAL ARROW, BROKEN AVENGER, BRIGHT STAR, while maintaining more than 25,000 military personnel deployed worldwide, including in Iraq, Kosovo, and Afghanistan where they are the largest troop contributor to NATO after the U.S.

Media: United Kingdom RSS


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Blog Posts RSS

  • July 6, 2011

    The Importance of Collaboration and Cooperation in 1648 and Today

    The Treaty of Westphalia, signed in 1648 in the Rathaus of Muenster, Germany, ended one of Europe’s bloodiest periods: the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) fought mostly on German soil, and 80 years of war between Spain and the Dutch Republic. Today two nations that benefitted from that peace treaty, Germany and the Netherlands (it achieved its independence as a result), are the framework nations for a multinational NATO High Readiness Corps headquartered in Muenster.
  • June 2, 2011

    The Most Important Week for EUCOM

    Here we are in the middle of what I believe is the most important week of the year for U.S. European Command.  On one end, a long weekend recently completed in honor of Memorial Day.  On the other end of this important stretch of days - D-Day.
  • May 30, 2011

    On Duty Forever

    At the US flagpole in the Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial (Cambridge, England), the base is inscribed with the following quote from the famous poem "In Flanders Field": "TO YOU FROM FAILING HANDS WE THROW THE TORCH -- BE YOURS TO HOLD IT HIGH!"
  • May 4, 2011

    My speech notes from the Atlantic Council Awards dinner: Why NATO Matters …

    Thank you very much, Jim [Jones], for that extremely generous introduction. You could say between SACEUR 14 and SACEUR 16, you have the “long and the short” of it. Indeed, some would say the procession from Jim Jones, a towering figure, to my -- shall we say more compact -- frame, might indicate a diminishing of the Alliance, but I will try my best to look taller tonight.
  • June 16, 2010

    Jumping In

    I’m finally back home after nearly two weeks on the road and it has been more than a week now since I jumped into Iron Mike Drop Zone in Normandy, France to commemorate the 66th Anniversary of D-Day.  I’ll never forget the experience –  not just because of the historic significance, but also because of those that jumped with me that day.  As you probably well know, British, Canadian and American forces jumped to secure the Allied flanks on D-Day, but personnel from Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Poland also took part in the landings.  On D-Day 66, I hit the ground, collected my parachute, and then walked off the drop zone with British, French, Polish, Dutch, German and fellow Americans paratroopers surrounding me.  On my aircraft alone, we had Dutch, German and Polish paratroopers and I earned both the Dutch and Polish jump wings that day.    
  • March 1, 2010

    Visiting our Allies in Western Europe

    If you read this blog regularly, you know I am committed to engaging actively and personally around the region to futher our shared security objectives. Last week was yet another busy week of travel in Europe.
  • February 3, 2010

    Afghanistan: The London Conference

    Yet, at the moment, I am thinking about a superb international event that happened last week: the International London Conference on Afghanistan. Last week, I wrote about my last trip to Afghanistan as we prepared for it. The media has thoroughly covered the conference (here’s a sample of recent coverage, based on an interview with me), and you can watch key presentations online, like this one from Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s review of the conference on his video blog. So rather than reiterating what's already been said, I thought I'd share with you some personal thoughts and impressions, and my interpretations of the atmospherics.
  • November 13, 2009

    Americans and British Gather Together to Pay Homage to American Veterans

    Did you know there are over 23 million United States veterans still living today and more than 25 million who are no longer with us? Did you know more the 621,000 Americans gave their lives in battle?
  • October 29, 2009

    Joint Honor Guard Experience at the NFL Game in London

    I had a pretty exciting day Sunday as I had the privilege of traveling to London, England, with the Joint Intelligence Operations Center Europe Analytic Center Joint Honor Guard. The Honor Guard was invited to the NFL game to present the colors and I couldn’t wait to experience this with them!
  • October 14, 2009

    Three Days in Afghanistan

    In three busy days in Afghanistan, I focused on Helmand province and the British and U.S. Marine Corps forces. Over the course of lunch with the provincial Governor - a man in his early 60s and a survivor of many challenging events in Afghanistan - I talked with him about the needs of the district.

Videos RSS

  • September 17, 2012

    Cleaning-up the school

    They’re not architects, designers, or professional landscapers, but as TSgt Kevin Dennison shows us, that doesn’t stop them from lending a helping out in the local community.
  • September 11, 2012

    United we stand

    Remembrance of September 11th takes place all over the US and internationally every year. SSgt Amanda Wowk shows us how RAF Lakenheath in England is no exception.
  • August 29, 2012

    Edinburgh Military Tattoo

    The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Scotland is one event every band strives to attend. TSgt Lance Daigle follows U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band for their first time appearance.
  • July 23, 2012


    Naval exercise FRUKUS is named after the four nations taking part: France, Russia, the United Kidom and the U.S. SSgt Nathan Parry went aboard the USS Normandy to see what sets this exercise apart from others.
  • July 20, 2012

    Farnborough International Air Show

    The Marines brought an MV-22 Osprey to the the UK to allow the public a chance to see what the aircraft can do. TSgt Kevin Dennison found the Osprey’s pilots were more than happy to give tours and show it off a little.
  • July 15, 2012

    F:A-18 Super Hornet at Farnborough International Airshow 2012

    The U.S. Navy's F/A-18 Super Hornet performs at the Farnborough International Airshow July 14, 2012, in Farnborough England. About 90 U.S. military personnel were at the show July 9-15 to represent the Department of Defense with aircraft from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.
  • July 15, 2012

    MV-22B Osprey demo at the Farnborough International Airshow 2012

    A U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 B Osprey from VMM-264 out of Marine Corps Station New River, N.C., flies during the flying display portion of the Farnborough International Airshow July 14, 2012. The Osprey is one of seven U.S. military aircraft on display at the weeklong show.
  • July 15, 2012

    Department of Defense corral at the Farnborough International Airshow

    About 90 service members from the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps took part in the Farnborough International Airshow in Farnborough, England, July 9-15, 2012. Here are some of the pilots and crew members who were on the ground for the show.
  • June 3, 2012

    Paratroopers practice for D-Day jump

    Army Reserve paratroopers train with Reserve paratroopers for the 4th Parachute Regiment in the United Kingdom May 29,2012. Both American and British Soldiers were preparing for their airborne operation in Normandy on June 3, 2012 to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the D-Day.
  • June 3, 2012

    U.S. Army Europe Band at Sainte-Mere-Eglise, France

    U.S., German, French, Dutch and British troops commemorate the 68th anniversary of D-Day during the events held in Sainte-Mere-Eglise, France, June 3, 2012.