Arriving in Macedonia - LOGEX 09

This is my first blog for Logistics Exercise 2009.  Hope you enjoy it!  Thanks for tracking!

I arrived on time at “Alexander the Great” airport.  Thankfully, my trip was uneventful as it was my previous few times.  I was greeted by partly sunny skies, a warm breeze, my luggage (thankfully) and Macedonian Army Officer, my ride.  While the airport name invites visions of grandeur, I am always struck by it’s quaintness.  There are two departure gates to and two arrival baggage carousels.   The staff and people efficient in deed, pleasant in nature, and quick to help.    No surprise really, as I have never found my hosts and LOGEX friends unpleasant or unprofessional in any way. 

I have immensely enjoyed the months of planning and preparation that will culminate with this final event.  The various trips to all of the primary participating countries, of Albania, Croatia, and Macedonia were superb as well.

The very first ever iteration of LOGEX was hosted by Croatia in 2007.  This go round, it is Macedonia’s turn to be host for the LOGEX series.  I have to tip my hat to Macedonian Armed Forces for their outstanding efforts as the lead nation (host).  It isn’t easy to play host and bear the extra burdens of responsibility, effort, and additional financial strain that this title bestows. 

Soon we will begin this final chapter.  Stay tuned to the blog and follow me on Twitter @LOGEX09!

US Army Major Steve Wilke

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