Speaker Boehner Praises Signing of GOP Jobs Initiatives for Veterans & Job Creators

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement today praising the signing of two more bipartisan components of the Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators, a veterans hiring initiative and a proposal repealing the IRS withholding tax on job creators:

“The House has passed more than two dozen bipartisan jobs bills so far and I’m pleased to see two more of them become law today. America owes it to our men and women in uniform to ensure they come home to a strong economy. By preventing the IRS from imposing a job-crushing withholding tax on job creators, and breaking down the bureaucratic barriers that are keeping veterans from finding work, we’re creating a better economic environment for families, small businesses, and service members alike. I hope President Obama will build on the common ground that led to today’s victory, work with Republicans, and urge Senate Democrats to take action on the rest of the still-delayed bipartisan House-passed jobs bills so we can get our economy back to creating new jobs.”

NOTE: The House first passed the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act on October 12 by a vote of 418-6, and approved legislation repealing the IRS withholding tax on October 27 by a vote of 405-16. Visit jobs.GOP.gov for more information on the Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.