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Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC)

Black Lung Program Statistics

The Division of Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation frequently receives requests for program information.  Please note that the Department of Labor may not have statistics for direct comparisons between claims filed under Part B and Part C of the Black Lung Benefits Act.  Part B benefits were administered by the Social Security Administration until 1998, and SSA reports those expenditures on a calendar year basis, not the fiscal year (October – September) used by DOL.  Some of the most frequently requested statistics may be accessed on-line by following the links provided below.

These statistics have been rearranged to include separate links to cumulative tables and to statistics compiled annually

* 2011 Statistics

* NEW Attorney and Lay Representation of Claimants

* 2010 Statistics

* Benefit Payments - Total

* 2009 Statistics

* Parts B & C Beneficiaries - Total

* 2008 Statistics

* Part C Claims filed 2001-2011

* 2007 Statistics

* Part C Claims Decisions 2001-2011

* 2006 Statistics


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