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Scope and Content Note

Materials filed under SC (Sciences) concern all phases of scientific study, research, and development for astronomy, technology and natural sciences. Excluded from this category are materials pertaining to outer space, which are filed under OS (Outer Space). Principal correspondents in the SC files are the President; his science advisers, including Lee DuBridge and Edward David; numerous White House and Department and Agency officials having administrative and/or policy and program responsibilities in areas of science and technology; and various Congressmen, businessmen, scientists, and academic officials. Related materials are in White House Central Files subject categories.

CM Weights and Measures
FG 6-4 National Aeronautical and Space Council
FG 6-5 National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development
FG 6-9 Office of Science and Technology
FG 6-11-1/DuBridge, Lee DuBridge, Lee
FG 21 Department of Commerce
FG 23 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
FG 33 House Committees
FG 36 Senate Committees
FG 94 Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources
FG 119 Federal Council for Science and Technology
FG 126 Federal Maritime Commission
FG 152 National Academy of Sciences
FG 164 National Aeronautical and Space Administration
FG 182 National Science Foundation
FG 209 President's Senate Advisory Committee
FG 221 Task Forces
ND National Security-Defense
OS Outer Space
UT 1 Communications Satellites


Loosely categorized, topics in the Executive file concern reorganization, budget, public relations, meetings, reports and programs. The reorganization of Federal science agencies, and of the science advisory apparatus in the Executive Branch is documented in these files. Budget related materials concern either support for or cutbacks in the areas of science education, research and development, and science attaches in U.S. embassies. Public relations activities documented include Presidential messages to scientific meetings and to science award winners, celebration of Thomas A. Edison's birthday, a tour of the White House for Russian scientists and an invitation to comet discoverer Dr. Lobos Kohoutek to visit the United States. Meetings documented include those between the President and his science advisor reporting on OST and science advisor activities. Some of the reports and studies discussed concern laser fusion, science and technical communications (SATCOM), science policy, science and technology in American diplomacy, new technology, and a survey of Federal programs and needs in systemic biology.

Much of the material concerning programs relates to research and development (R&D), technology, and international cooperation. R&D topics include the Office of Science and Technology's yearly Spring review of R&D policy; Federal incentives for R&D; R&D funding; concern for the rate of R&D progress; energy R&D; and R&D in the Arctic. Technology is discussed in terms of both domestic and international technology transfer; the use of NASA technology; the Administration's New Technology Opportunities Program; and environmental technology. International scientific programs mentioned include R&D cooperation with Japan; an exhibit in Moscow about R&D in the United States; an agreement with the Russians on space and technology; visits of Lee DuBridge to Romania and Yugoslavia; cooperation with Mexico concerning the recovery and return of archaeological, historical and cultural properties; and international biological programs.

Among the numerous other topics in the Executive file are included the National Science Policy and Priorities Act of 1973 which provided for the transfer of pensions for scientists; Federally caused unemployment among scientists and engineers and in the aerospace industry; medals for scientist; NSF grants; an AEC omnibus bills; satellites, including an aeronautical satellite program (AEROSAT); and the use of computers in government planning and problems.

Topics in the General file concern scientists and engineers, Federal science agencies, policy, meetings, technology, research and development, energy, and other miscellaneous subjects. Materials about scientists and engineers concern unemployment, training programs, blacklisting of scientists by DHEW, and the affect of draft policy on the future supply of scientists and engineers. Correspondence relating to Federal science agencies concern the representation of biologists on the President's Science Advisory Committee and the National Science Board, and recommendations to establish a Public Science Council and a Cabinet level Department of Science and Technology. Policy related items concern the interplay of science and foreign policies, science policy making, and energy policy. Documents about meetings concern Presidential messages to scientific meetings, and specific meetings such as one on global deterioration of climate. Items concerning technology discuss the New Technology Opportunities program; the use of technology to increase productivity; a Presidential message on technology; domestic and international technology transfer; Government-industry technology partnership; systems technology; applications of science and technology; and setting up a technology assessment mechanism for Congress. Some research and development (R&D) documents concern National Bureau of Standards sponsorship of industrial research, and Federal funds for R&D. Correspondence concerning energy is about off-shore and mineral exploration, energy transmission, energy conversion, energy policy, and an agreement with the Soviet Union concerning energy. Among the miscellaneous topics included are a proposed domed, climate-controlled city on the Bering Straits; hydroponic control; psychic phenomena; ozone decay; underwater cargo ships; an air cushioned helibarge; moon resources utilization; a theory of preventing war; aerospace industry as a vital natural resource; and a request for the return of scientist Ludwig Edinger's personal diary to Germany from the Library of Congress.


Topics in the Executive file include coastal zone management, Omega navigational charts, a Proclamation of Hydrographic Convention, and the development and future of the Arctic area.

Among the topics in the General file are Arctic policy, Omega charts, accelerated topographic mapping, photographs of an eclipse, and the change of name of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.


Correspondence in the Executive file concerns, among other topics, the facilities and management of the Earth Resources Satellite program; the Earth Resources Survey Satellite (ERTS-A); a report by NASA on ecological surveys from space; the Ad Hoc Interagency Policy Group on Earth Resources Survey Program; international aspects of earth resources; an international symposium on geothermal energy; an Antarctic research program; and a request to detonate explosives in the Santa Barbara, California channel to test sub-water networks as to earthquake potential.

Topics in the General file include Peking man fossils; resources replenishment and waste treatment; exploring inner earth environment; and training for unemployed scientists.


Materials in the Executive file concern expeditions such as Thor Heyerdahl's Kon Tiki expedition; Norman Dyhrenfurth's ascent of the southwest face of Mt. Everest; and the International Himalayan Expedition of 1971. Other mountain climbing and south pole expeditions are also discussed. Among other topics included are the first group of women to study at American Antarctic bases; a trip to Antarctica by Donald M. Kendall; environmental degradation by exploration companies in the North slope; a proposed study of and construction permits for the Alaska pipeline; an idea concerning a gold ore process and a low emission rotary engine; a proposal for the provision of Military Air Transport flight service to scientific exploration teams to worldwide expedition sites; and alleged buried treasure at Victoria Peak on the grounds of the White Sands Missile Range.

The General file also concerns various mountain climbing and arctic expeditions, and Peking man fossils. Additional topics include a trip through the Northwest Passage by a Humble Oil Company ship; the geopolitcal importance of the arctic; geothermal energy; researching the YETI (abominable snowman); exploration and development ventures for oil and gas; oil recovery methods in Appalachia; and the discovery of dinosaur tracks in Roseland, N.J.


Material in the Executive file concerns the Inter-American Geodetic Survey.

Topics in the General file include general purpose United States topographic maps; a resolution of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping; Vietnam policy and the use of natural resources; and recognition of George Carl Ludwig Preuss, cartographer of the Fremont expedition.


Topics in the Executive file include weather information for foreign and domestic Presidential trips; the dismissal of government employees during hazardous weather; hurricane reports and warning systems; a weather ship for the Northeast coast; weather modification programs; annual plans for U.S. participation in the World Weather program; annual reports on weather modification; an Air Force report on H.R. 1968, a Bill "To prohibit the U.S. from engaging in weather modification activities for military purposes;" the Ice Age Bill; an orbiting astronomical observatory; and a test ban-earthquake prediction link.

Materials in the General file concern, among other topics, the closing of Weather Bureau offices at various locations; the adequacy of aviation weather services; an offer of U. S. weather satellite technology to the People's Republic of China; suggested development of a "predator vehicle" to be placed in orbit as a defense against Soviet satellites; weather modification; hurricane modification; tornado detection; the affects of weather crises on the plywood industry; a weather ship for the Northeast; agricultural weather service for North Carolina; and the Ice Age National Scientific Reserve.


Materials in the Executive file concern systems design in educational technology, and a talk by Peter Flanigan to members of the Fair International Trade Committee on consumer electronics.

In the General file the main topics are the NASA Electronic Research Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the unified field theory and special case magnetic fields.


Executive file topics include a request for a Presidential meeting with the National Academy of Engineering; National Science Foundation budget issues; employment programs for scientists and engineers; a deep water terminal in the Bahamas; and proposed modifications to Defense Department procurement policies in Orange County, California.

In the General file, topics include "societal engineering;" econometric engineering; the National Academy of Engineers Commission of Education; unemployment among scientists and engineers; education and training of engineers; enhancement of the status of engineers in the Government; White House assistance in placing engineers in private industry; and high speed transit.


Materials in the Executive file concern Federal agencies involved in marine programs, reports, programs, international cooperation, and miscellaneous topics related to oceanography. Correspondence pertaining to Federal maritime agencies concern White House communications with the National Council of Marine Resources and Engineering Development; transfer of Executive Office responsibilities for maritime science to the Office of Science and Technology; moving oceanographic elements of the Government to the Department of the Interior; creation of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); and a suggestion for an Oceanographic Education Foundation. Some of the reports discussed include Presidential reports to Congress on Federal oceans programs; the Ash Council report on oceanography; and the Commission on Marine Science's report, "Our Nation and the Sea." Materials concerning programs pertain to the Administration's initiatives in the area of marine science; development of interim program proposals to guide the scope and direction of oceanographic research efforts; the status of ocean programs; hunger and ocean programs; and Sea Grant colleges. Items reflecting international cooperation concern the visit of a Soviet oceanographic vessel to Miami; discussions with the French on marine sciences; and cooperation with Malta in the field of oceanography. Miscellaneous topics include freedom of marine research; NOAA research; a deep water ocean terminal; licensing and protection of firms engaged in off-shore mining ventures; development of the outer continental shelf; the National Marine Fisheries Science Laboratory in Boothbay Harbor, Maine; efforts to ban emplacement of weapons in seabeds; marine pollution; a Proclamation for Convention for International Council for the Exploration of the Sea; and a proposed international convention to proscribe environmental and geophysical modification as a weapon of war.

In the General file there is material concerning the organization of marine science agencies; an Advisory Committee on the Oceans; a suggestion for a new agency to coordinate and develop techniques in all fields of oceanography; and the proposed NOAA. Other topics include the Administration's Five Point Marine Sciences Program; an NOAA study of the New York bight of the Eastern seaboard; the American Nuclear Society's meeting on "The Oceans, Nuclear Energy and Man;" marine science education; the Oceanographic Educational Foundation Prospectus; protection and proper management of America's estuaries; protection of American merchant marine; Malta resolution on seabeds; sale of American products to the Soviet Union for its "Man in the Sea" program; ideas for a NATO project on ocean pollution; a request for U.S. Views for the British magazine "Round Table" on the problem of the Indian Ocean; and a proposal by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute for a geological and geophysical study of the eastern Mediterranean.


Materials in the Executive file concern high energy physics, solar radiation, development of laser enrichment technology, letters of appreciation to the Governments of Kenya and Mauritania about the visits of American scientists to observe a solar eclipse; a congratulatory message to Nobel prize winner William Stein; a proposal by Gov. George Wallace about solar energy; a public housing solar energy program; and the appointment of Gov. John Love as energy advisor to the President.

General file topics include geothermal leases and research; the role of chemistry in the U.S. economy; new energy sources; a television report on atomic energy sources and their environmental affects; a television report on hazardous ecology problems; electric power; solar energy; reaction to a Presidential speech on energy; leakage of radioactive waste storage tanks in Richland, Washington; the papers of Dr. William J. Hooper on gravitational field theory and related matters; and an "Esquire" article on the ABM.


Correspondence in the Executive file is about daylight saving time (DST); DST as an anti-crime measure; DST as an energy conservation measure; year-round DST; and realignment of time zone limits.

In the General file, the topics are the affects of DST on the safety of school children; the impact of DST on daytime only radio stations; year round DST; DST to conserve energy; mail for and against DST; and a suggestion that the President change the time of his press conferences.


Executive file topics include conversion to the metric system; a Convention Establishing an International Organization of Legal Metrology; use of metric system units within the intelligence community; H.R. 5749 on metric conversion; and a commemorative stamp for the 175th anniversary of the Weights and Measures Act.

In the General file topics include easing weights and volume restrictions on trucks; adoption of the metric system; S. 2483 Bill on Metric Conversion; and a class project by school children on metric conversion.

Folder Title List

Box 1

EX SC Sciences
EX SC Sciences 1/1/1971- [1 of 2]
EX SC Sciences 1/1/1971- [2 of 2]
EX SC Sciences 1/1/1973

Box 2

GEN SC Sciences
GEN SC Sciences 1/1/1971-
GEN SC Sciences 1/1/1973
EX SC 1 Coastal-Geodetic Surveys
EX SC 1 Coastal-Geodetic Surveys 1/1/1971-
EX SC 1 Coastal-Geodetic Surveys 1/1/1973- [Empty]
GEN SC 1 Coastal-Geodetic Surveys
GEN SC 1 Coastal-Geodetic Surveys 1/1/1971-
GEN SC 1 Coastal-Geodetic Surveys 1/1/1973 [Empty]

Box 3

EX SC 2 Earth-Earth Sciences
EX SC 2 Earth-Earth Sciences 1/1/1971-
EX SC 2 Earth-Earth Sciences 1/1/1973-
GEN SC 2 Earth-Earth Sciences
GEN SC 2 Earth-Earth Sciences 1/1/1971-
GEN SC 2 Earth-Earth Sciences 1/1/1973- [Empty]
EX SC 2-1 Expeditions-Explorations
GEN SC 2-1 Expeditions-Explorations 1/1/1971-
GEN SC 2-1 Expeditions-Explorations 1/1/1973-
GEN SC 2-1 Expeditions-Explorations
GEN SC 2-1 Expeditions-Explorations 1/1/1971-
GEN SC 2-1 Expeditions-Explorations 1/1/1973-
EX SC 2-2 Maps-Cartographs-Globes-Geography-Charts
EX SC 2-2 Maps-Cartographs-Globes-Geography-Charts 1/1/1971-
EX SC 2-2 Maps-Cartographs-Globes-Geography-Charts 1/1/1973- [Empty]
GEN SC 2-2 Maps-Cartographs-Globes-Geography-Charts
GEN SC 2-2 Maps-Cartographs-Globes-Geography-Charts 1/1/1971-
GEN SC 2-2 Maps-Cartographs-Globes-Geography-Charts 1/1/1973- [Empty]
EX SC 2-3 Meteorology [1 of 2]
EX SC 2-3 Meteorology [2 of 2]
EX SC 2-3 Meteorology 1/1/1971

Box 4

EX SC 2-3 Meteorology 1/1/1973-
GEN SC 2-3 Meteorology
GEN SC 2-3 Meteorology 1/1/1971
GEN SC 2-3 Meteorology 1/1/1973-
EX SC 3 Electronics
EX SC 3 Electronics 1/1/1971
EX SC 3 Electronics 1/1/1973- [Empty]
GEN SC 3 Electronics
GEN SC 3 Electronics 1/1/1971
GEN SC 3 Electronics 1/1/1971- [Empty]
EX SC 3 Electronics
EX SC 4 Engineering 1/1/1971
EX SC 4 Engineering 1/1/1973- [Empty]
GEN SC 4 Engineering
GEN SC 4 Engineering 1/1/1971
GEN SC 4 Engineering 1/1/1973-
EX SC 5 Oceanography
GEN SC 5 Oceanography 1/1/1971
EX SC 5 Oceanography 1/1/1973-

Box 5

GEN SC 5 Oceanography
GEN SC 5 Oceanography 1/1/1971-
GEN SC 5 Oceanography 1/1/1973-
EX SC 6 Physical Sciences
EX SC 6 Physical Sciences 1/1/1971- [Empty]
EX SC 6 Physical Sciences 1/1/1973
GEN SC 6 Physical Sciences
GEN SC 6 Physical Sciences 1/1/1971
GEN SC 6 Physical Sciences 1/1/1973
EX SC 7 Time
EX SC 7 Time 1/1/1971- [Empty]
GEN SC 7 Time 1/1/1973
GEN SC 7 Time
GEN SC 7 Time 1/1/1971-
GEN SC 7 Time 1/1/1973-
EX SC 8 Weights and Measures (Metric System)
EX SC 8 Weights and Measures (Metric System) 1/1/1973
EX SC 8 Weights and Measures (Metric System) 1/1/1973
GEN SC 8 Weights and Measures (Metric System)
GEN SC 8 Weights and Measures (Metric System) 1/1/1971
GEN SC 8 Weights and Measures (Metric System) 1/1/1973



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