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Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis
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Current DOL Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)

Initiating Agency

MOU Partner


Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Brazil's Ministry of Labor

To collaborate on labor issues and strengthen cooperation on Labor matters.

Bureau of International Labor Affairs

U.S. Department of State

To outline requirements to transfer funds in support of HIV/AIDS program in Guyana.

Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Republic of India

To establish labor cooperation on matters of mutual interest.

Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Ministry of Guatemala

To establish Joint Declaration on Migrant Labor Rights with other countries.

Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Peoples Republic of China

To expand the Department's relationship with China on Workers Safety and Health issues.

Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of El Salvador

To establish Joint Declaration on Migrant Labor Rights with other countries.

Employment and Training Administration

U.S. Social Security Administration

To collaborate and consult on the development of a new Occupational Information System (OIS) for use in disability adjudication by SSA.

Mine Safety and Health Administration

Interstate Mining Compact Commission

To facilitate and improve coordinated and timely communications between governmental agencies to promote and protect the mining industry's most precious resource, miners, and aids in the effectively and efficiently in carrying out their respective duties concerning miners' health and safety and the dissemination of information to stakeholders and the public.

Office of Disability and Employment Policy

Partnership for Public Service

To establish an alliance to work with ODEP to disseminate and share effective disability employment practices and to provide expertise in communicating such information to employers and employees especially among their members.

Office of Disability and Employment Policy

The National Association of Governors' Committees on People with Disabilities (NAGC)

To provide NAGC members and others with information, guidance, and access to resources that will help them advance employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Office of Disability and Employment Policy

Access Living Center for Independent Living of Metropolitan Chicago

To co-sponsor a Heath Care Summit to engage the healthcare industry in sharing information and resources that will aid in increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities within the industry.

Office of Disability and Employment Policy

U.S. Department of Transportation

To establish collaboration and develop transportation options for people with disabilities.

Office of Disability and Employment Policy

HSC Foundation's National Youth Transitions Collaborative

To establish a collaborative relationship to promote the employment of youth and veterans with disabilities.

Office of Disability and Employment Policy

Financial Services Roundtable

To initiate dialogue with DOL and the finance industry to explore strategies to increase employment opportunities of people with disabilities.

Office of Disability Employment Policy

Montana Department of Labor & Industry, Workforce Services Division

To utilize the media products developed by ODEP's Campaign for Disability Employment and expand the initiative in Montana with the aim of increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Office of Disability Employment Policy

Ohio Governor's Council

To utilize the media products developed by ODEP's Campaign for Disability Employment and expand the initiative in Ohio with the aim of increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Office of Disability Employment Policy

University of Massachusetts

To utilize the media products developed by ODEP's Campaign for Disability Employment and expand the initiative in Massachusetts with the aim of increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

U.S. Department of Energy

 To establish a collaborative effort to assist with claims processing under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA).

Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

To establish a collaborative effort to assist with claims processing under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA).

Wage Hour Division

State of Montana

To establish a collaborative relationship to promote compliance with laws of common concern among the regulated community in the State of Washington.

Wage Hour Division

State of Connecticut

To establish a collaborative relationship to promote compliance with laws of common concern among the regulated community in the State of Washington.

Wage Hour Division

State of Illinois

To establish a collaborative relationship to promote compliance with laws of common concern among the regulated community in the State of Washington.

Wage Hour Division

State of Maryland

To establish a collaborative relationship to promote compliance with laws of common concern among the regulated community in the State of Washington.

Wage Hour Division

State of Utah

To establish a collaborative relationship to promote compliance with laws of common concern among the regulated community in the State of Washington.

Wage Hour Division

State of Washington Department of Labor and Industry

To establish a collaborative relationship to promote compliance with laws of common concern among the regulated community in the State of Washington.

Women's Bureau

Gordon Research Conference

To co-sponsor Atlanta STEM Summit on May 21, 2011 at Ga. Institute of Technology and assist with getting information to the public about the event.

Women's Bureau

Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Inc.

To co-sponsor Atlanta STEM Summit on May 21, 2011 at Ga. Institute of Technology and assist with getting information to the public about the event.

Women's Bureau

YWCA of Greater Atlanta

To co-sponsor Atlanta STEM Summit on May 21, 2011 at Ga. Institute of Technology and assist with getting information to the public about the event.

Women's Bureau

Cool Girls, Inc.

To co-sponsor Atlanta STEM Summit on May 21, 2011 at Ga. Institute of Technology and assist with getting information to the public about the event.

Women's Bureau


To outline roles and responsibilities to co-sponsor Careers in Mentoring Program.