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Posted October 5, 2012Today in Energy

Territorial disputes hamper exploration and production of resources in the East China Sea ›

The East China Sea may have abundant hydrocarbon resources, especially natural gas, although the region is underexplored. China and Japan, the two largest energy consumers in Asia, are both interested in using natural gas from the East China Sea to meet rising domestic demand. However, unresolved territorial disputes make exploration and development of these resources difficult. More

Map of the disputed areas and oil and natural gas resources in the East China Sea

Source: Interfax.


image of oil tanker

Who are the major players supplying the world oil market? ›

The world oil market is complicated. Oil companies and governments each play a role.

shale image

What is shale gas and why is it important? ›

Shale gas refers to natural gas that is trapped within shale formations.

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Test-drive the Beta data browser to drill down into electricity data including generation, fuel consumption, sales, and prices.

Data Highlights

Crude oil futures price

10/4/2012: $91.71/bbl

down$0.14 from week earlier
up$12.03 from year earlier

Natural gas futures price

10/4/2012: $3.406/mmBtu

up$0.109 from week earlier
down$0.164 from year earlier

Weekly coal production

9/29/2012: 19.099 million tons

down0.250 million tons from week earlier
down3.290 million tons from year earlier

Natural gas inventories

9/28/2012: 3,653 Bcf

up77 Bcf from week earlier
up272 Bcf from year earlier

Crude oil inventories

9/28/2012: 364.7 mmbbl

down0.5 mmbbl from week earlier
up28.4 mmbbl from year earlier


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