Request Waiver to Graduation Requirements

The following outlines the procedure for requesting waivers to the DoDEA high school graduation requirements.

Step Person Responsible Action
1 Guidance Counselor/ Parent, Sponsor

Prepares the High School Graduation Waiver Request Packet:

2 Principal
  • Reviews the Graduation Waiver Request Packet
  • Completes the electronic DoDEA Graduation Waiver Request Form, signing if Approved and adding comments
  • Submits the Graduation Waiver Request Packet to the District Superintendent (No Later Than (NLT) end of 1st quarter)
3 District Superintendent
  • Reviews the Graduation Waiver Request Packet
  • Notifies the school principal within 10 days after receiving the Graduation Waiver request Packet of "concurrence with approval" or "needs additional information."
  • Submits approved Graduation Waiver Request Packet to the Area PPS ISS with comments (NLT November 30)
4 Area Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) ISS
  • Reviews waiver packet to ensure all packet documentation has been included.
  • Prepares Graduation Waiver Report and forwards to Area CIA within 10 days receipt of all waiver packets.
5 Area Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (CIA)
  • Reviews the Graduation Waiver Report and requests additional information if needed.
  • Forwards the Graduation Waiver Report with comments along with waiver packets to the DoDEA PPS ISS (within 10 days of receipt of Graduation Waiver Request Report)
  • Collaborates with Research & Evaluation Branch to examine Graduation Waiver Report to include documentation in the Graduation Waiver Request packets. 
  • Provides feedback to DoDEA Director on trends and patterns found in DoDEA graduation waiver requests with next steps.

The following items are required prior to sending the packet to the district superintendent:

For additional clarification contact the DoDEA PPS ISS:  703-589-3087.