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Electric Power Markets: PJM

PJM Electric Regions  
2007 PJM Electric Regions  

Market Description
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    PJM Interconnection is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia, an area that includes more than 51 million people. As of December 31, 2009, it had installed generating capacity of 167,326 megawatts (GW) and over 500 market buyers, sellers and traders of electricity. In 2009 demand peaked at 126.8 MW on August 10, the lowest annual peak since the last transmission integration.
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    States covered: All or most of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. Parts of Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina and Tennessee.

    Reliability region: ReliabilityFirst Corporation (RFC) and SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC) [NERC regions map ]

    Balancing authority: PJM. The balancing authority is responsible for managing the minute-to-minute supply/demand balance for electricity within its borders to assure reliability.

    Control zones: Allegheny Power Systems (APS), American Electric Power (AEP), Atlantic Electric Power Company, Inc. (AECO), Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE), ComEd, Dayton Power and Light Company (DAY), Delmarva Power and Light Company (DPL), Dominion (DOM), Duquesne Light (DUQ), Jersey Central Power and Light Company (JCPL), Metropolitan Edison Company (METED), PPL Electric Utilities (PPL), PECO Energy (PECO), Pennsylvania Electric Company (PENELEC), Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO), Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSEG), and Rockland Electric Company (RECO).

    Hubs: AEP GEN, AEP-Dayton, Chicago GEN, Chicago, Dominion, Eastern, N. Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, West INT, Western.

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    PJM Interconnection (PJM) operates the region’s power grid and wholesale electric market:

    • Energy market: two-settlement (day ahead and real-time) spot market with locational marginal pricing (prices are calculated at each bus every five minutes)
    • Capacity markets
    • Ancillary services markets
    • Financial transmission rights (FTR) market
    • Energy and capacity in the region are also traded bilaterally through brokers and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)

    PJM 2009 State of the Markets Report (and links to prior annual reports)

    Market Monitoring Unit: Monitoring Analytics, LLC - External Market Monitor

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    Marginal fuel type: Coal (74%) and natural gas (22%)

    Generating capacity (summer 2009): 167,454 MW

    Capacity reserve (summer 2009): 40,649 MW

    Reserve margin (summer 2009): 32%

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    All time peak demand: 144,644 MW (set August 2, 2006)

    Summer Peak Demand (MW):
    2006: 144,644
    2007: 139,428  
    2008: 130,100
    2009: 126,805

    Peak demand change (2008-2009): 2.5% Decline

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    Annual Average Day-Ahead Price All Hours (MWh):

    PJM Western Hub - A basket of 109 buses from Erie PA to Washington DC (Derived from Energy Velocity data)
    2006: $50.07/MWh
    2007: $57.00/MWh
    2008: $69.88/MWh
    2009: $38.71/MWh

Contact Information:
For questions regarding the material in the PJM section please contact our staff at:

Updated: September 7, 2012