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Data Validation Federal Register Notices

  • May 9, 2011:
    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)issued a Notice of Action for the extension of the Data Validation paperwork package 1225-0448
  • February 25, 2011
    Federal Register Notice 1205-0448 for Data Validation The Department submitted an information collection request for data validation to the Office of Management and Budget for review and approval - February 25, 2011.
  • September 27, 2010:
    A Federal Register Notice on OMB 1205-0448: Comment Request for the Information Collection for Data Validation Requirement for Employment and Training Programs. Comments should be directed to Karen Staha at
  • June 1, 2007:
    Federal Register Notice The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is soliciting comments concerning a revision of a data validation requirement for the following employment and training programs: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title IB, Wagner-Peyser, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), National Farmworker Jobs (NFJP), Indian and Native American Employment and Training, and Senior Community Service Employment (SCSEP).Supporting Statement
  • Federal Register Notice for Data Validation The Department submitted an information collection request for data validation to the Office of Management and Budget for review and approval - July 16, 2004.
  • Data Validation Training NASWA Announces Data Validation Training - The new training is the result of a recent collaboration between NASWA/CESER, the National Governors' Association and the USDOL - ETA. The training addresses the needs of various audiences within the state workforce development community as it pertains to Data Validation (DV). See more Data Validation Information - 5/27/2004