Lending: Suspensions and Debarments – Search

Here you can locate entities and individuals who have been suspended and/or debarred, by SBA's lending offices, from doing business with the federal government. Parties are listed alphabetically.

Debarments & Suspensions Debarment or Suspension?
Action Date Term Offense
Abdul Waheed Khan D 4/20/09 3 Years  
Abraham Nunu D 5/25/2010 3 Years |False Statements (15 ISC § 645(a))
Albert Bazzii (aka Ali Said Bazzi) D 4/20/09 3 Years  
Albro K. Miller D 9/14/2009 1 Year |False Statement (18 USC § 1001)
Alex Ko D 12/22/2010 3 Years |Misuse of 7(a) Loan Proceeds
Ali Beyduon D 9/2/2010 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Ali Makhani D 4/20/09 3 Years  
Alvin Bellefleur D 5/6/2011 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Amirali Makhani D 4/20/09 3 Years  
Anthony Woodson D 11/11/2011 2 Years |False Statement to a Financial Institution (18 USC § 1014)
Bassam Radwan D 4/20/2009 2 Years Embezzlement
Bayou City Fine Properties S 7/21/2011 I  
Benefit & Outsourcing Consultants D 2/18/2010 2 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Best Build, LLC D 5/6/2011 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Cressye Wallace D 1/4/2012 4 Years |Commission of Fraud or a Federal Offense in Connection with obtaining
Daryoush Zahraie D 7/16/09 3 Years  
David Attar D 9/14/2009 3 Years |Mail Fraud (18 USC § 1341) and Bank Fraud (18 USC § 1344)
Donald Steele D 1/27/2012 3 Years |Impermissible Contingency Fees; False Statements
Edith Cordova D 11/16/09 2 Years |Wire Fraud (18 USC § 1343)
Eric Katz D 6/17/2009 3 Years |Aiding and Abetting a Criminal Scheme (18 USC § 2) and Wire Fraud 18 USC § 1343)
Falamarz Zahraie D 4/20/09 3 Years  
Fikri Mamdouh D 4/20/09 3 Years  
Fort Street Petro D 7/23/2010 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Fort Street Properties D 6/23/2010 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Gary Lesser D 6/17/2009 5 Years |Aiding and Abetting a Criminal Scheme (18 USC § 2), Wire Fraud (18 USC § 1343) and Money Laundering (18 USC § 1957)
Husam Fakhoury D 5/4/2009 2 Years Embezzlement
Imad Hassan Deaibes D 5/25/2010 5 Years |Conspiracy (18 USC § 371)
J.L. Menafee D 8/11/2011 2 Years |False Statement (18 USC § 1001)
Jade Capital S 11/28/2011 I violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1349 (Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud), 18 U.S.C. § 1344 (Bank Fraud) and 18 U.S.C. § 2 (aiding and abetting)
Jamie Ann Danielson D 5/25/2010 2 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Jason Foor D 7/23/2010 2 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Jeffrey Holverson S 7/21/11 I  
JHKN Development S 7/21/2011 I  
John Torkelsen D 9/9/2010 15 Years |False Statements in SBIC Books (18 USC §1006); Perjury (18 USC §1623|15 Years
Jon August Holverson S 7/21/11 I  
Jon Darren Hawley D 11/20/2009 3 Years |False Statements (18 USC § 1001) and False Statements on a Loan Application (18 USC § 1014)
Joon Park S 11/28/2011 I violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1349 (Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud), 18 U.S.C. § 1344 (Bank Fraud) and 18 U.S.C. § 2 (aiding and abetting)
Joseph Heaven D 5/6/2011 3 Years |Making False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Karen Steele D 1/27/2012 3 Years |Impermissible Contingency Fees; Encouraging False Statements
Linda Shreck D 9/2/2010 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a)); two counts Making a false statement to a Federally Insured Financial Institution (18 USC § 1014); one countof Unlawful Disclosure and Use of a Social Security Number (43 USC
Lisa Carey D 9/14/2009 3 Years |Theft of Funds Belonging to the United States (18 USC § 641)
Loren Park S 11/28/2011 I violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1349 (Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud), 18 U.S.C. § 1344 (Bank Fraud) and 18 U.S.C. § 2 (aiding and abetting)
Methink Hassan D 6/23/2010 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC 645(a))
Michael D’elia D 3/24/2009 1 Year |Aiding and Abetting in a Criminal Scheme (18 USC § 2) and Money Laundering (18 USC § 1957)
Mushid Al-Nikab D 6/17/09 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Nabib Oil D 6/17/2009 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
New Better Food Distributors, Inc. D 6/17/2009 3 Years |Aiding and Abetting a Criminal Scheme (18 USC § 2) and Wire Fraud (18 USC § 1343)
Nick Park S 11/28/2011 I violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1349 (Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud), 18 U.S.C. § 1344 (Bank Fraud) and 18 U.S.C. § 2 (aiding and abetting)
Paul Hunter D 9/14/2009 3 Years |Wire Fraud (18 USC § 1343)
Paul Sullivan D 6/17/2009 3 Years |Wire Fraud (18 USC § 1341)
Radwan & Affas Petro, Inc. D 4/20/2009 2 Years Embezzlement
Restaurant Equipment Outlet D 8/30/2011 2 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Richard Dorman D 4/20/09 3 Years  
Robert Wallace D 1/4/2012 4 Years |Commission of Fraud or a Federal Offense in Connection with obtaining an SBA disaster loan
Roman Novatchinski D 3/9/2010 2 Years |False Statement (15 USC § 645(a))
Ross Weissenhofer D 5/25/2010 2 Years Fraud
Sanaa Dakhlallah D 9/14/2009 3 Years |False Statements (15 USC § 645(a))
Sandra Wyatt D 8/30/2011 2 Years |False Statement to the SBA (15 USC § 645(a))
Satinder Sharma D 5/27/2010 2 Years |Wire Fraud (18 USC § 1343)
Sharif Affas D 4/20/09 2 Years  
Shawanda Thomas D 8/29/2011 3 Years |False claim (18 USC § 287)
Sikander Makhani D 4/20/09 3 Years  
Stephen Wehner D 4/20/2009 2 Years Embezzlement
T & R MINIMART INC D 7/23/10 3 Years  
The Ropa Group D 6/17/2009 3 Years |Wire Fraud (18 USC § 1341)


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