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February 2004 - Volume 84 - Number 2

Business Situation: Advance Estimates for the Fourth Quarter of 2003 and for the Year 2003

The pace of U.S. production moderated in the fourth quarter, as real GDP increased 4.0 percent after increasing 8.2 percent in the third quarter. The deceleration mainly reflected slower growth of consumer spending. Inflation slowed: The price index for gross domestic purchases increased 1.0 percent after increasing 1.8 percent, mainly reflecting a downturn in energy prices.

In 2003, real GDP increased 3.1 percent after increasing 2.2 percent in 2002. The step-up mainly reflected upturns in nonresidential investment and exports; consumer spending slowed, and inventory investment turned down. | PDF XLS

Improved Estimates of the National Income and Product Accounts for 1929-2002: Results of the Comprehensive Revision

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has released the results of the 12th comprehensive revision of the NIPAs. The revised estimates incorporate a number of major improvements that are designed to better measure the ever-changing U.S. economy. The revisions to GDP and the other major NIPA aggregates and their components are described, and the revisions that are attributable to the various improvements are identified. The picture of the economy shown by the revised estimates is similar to that shown by the previously published estimates: Real GDP grew at about the same rate as in the previously published estimates, and the most recent recession and the current expansion are slightly milder than previously estimated. PDF XLS

National Income and Product Accounts Tables

An extensive set of tables presents estimates from the 2003 comprehensive NIPA revision. It includes annual estimates for 2000-2003 and quarterly estimates for the second quarter of 2000 through the fourth quarter of 2003 in the selected set of tables that are published monthly. It also includes annual estimates for 1999-2002 and monthly estimates for 1999-2003 that are a part of the extended set of NIPA tables. PDF Interactive Data

GDP and Other Major NIPA Series, 1929-2003

A set of tables presents the historical series from the 2003 comprehensive NIPA revision. Specifically, it presents estimates of GDP and its components in current dollars, in chained dollars, and in chain-type quantity and price indexes, and estimates of national income and personal income. PDF Interactive Data

Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey Report for Fiscal Year 2003

BEA's survey received feedback in three critical areas: Customer satisfaction, product use, and Web site features. PDF

Real Inventories, Sales, and Inventory-Sales Ratios for Manufacturing and Trade, 1997:I-2003:III

The quarterly and monthly estimates of inventories, sales, and inventory-sales ratios have been revised to reflect the results of the 2003 comprehensive NIPA revision. PDF

State Personal Income: Third Quarter 2003

Personal income for the Nation grew 1.1 percent, up from 1.0 percent in the second quarter. Reflecting continued strong growth in farm earnings, 3 of the 10 fastest growing states are in the Plains region, and 2 are in the Rocky Mountain region. Earnings grew in every industry for the first time in more than 2 years and in all the states and the District of Columbia. PDF

Looking Ahead

Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the Industry Accounts. An article that describes the integration of BEA's annual input-output accounts with the GDP-by-industry accounts is scheduled for an upcoming issue of the Survey.

BEA Current and Historical Data

National Data

  • Domestic perspectives | PDF
  • Charts | PDF

International Data

  • Transactions tables PDF
  • Investment tables PDF
  • International perspectives | PDF
  • Charts | PDF

Regional Data

  • State and regional tables | PDF
  • Local area table | PDF
  • Charts | PDF


  • Additional information about the NIPA estimatesPDF
  • Suggested reading | PDF