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January 2003 - Volume 83 - Number 1

Business Situation: Final Estimates for the Third Quarter of 2002

Real GDP increased 4.0 percent in the third quarter, according to the "final" estimate, up from a 1.3-percent increase in the second quarter. The "preliminary" estimate issued a month ago had also shown a 4.0- percent increase. Corporate profits decreased $14.0 billion (1.8 percent at a quaterly rate) in the third quarter, about the same decrease as in the two preceding quarters.
(PDF) (Tables in XLS format)

Real Inventories, Sales, and Inventory-Sales Ratios for Manufacturing and Trade, 2002:III

Four tables present the latest quarterly and monthly estimates of real inventories and sales for manufacturing and trade and of real inventories by stage of fabrication for manufacturing.
(PDF) (Tables in XLS format)

Preview of the Revised NIPA Estimates for 1997: Effects of Incorporating the 1997 Benchmark I-O Accounts and Proposed Definitional and Statistical Changes

BEA has prepared preliminary revised estimates of GDP for 1997 that reflect the newly available 1997 benchmark input-output accounts. These estimates, along with a number of definitional and other statistical changes that BEA is considering, will be incorporated in the upcoming comprehensive revision of the NIPA's.
(PDF) (Tables in XLS format)

An Ownership-Based Framework of the U.S. Current Account, 1989-2001

BEA has updated its ownership-based current account with revised estimates for 1995-99, new detailed estimates for 2000, and new summary estimates for 2001. The ownership-based framework supplements BEA's international transactions accounts by highlighting the participation of multinational companies in international markets for goods and services both through cross-border trade and through sales by locally established affiliates.

U.S. International Transactions, Third Quarter 2002

The U.S. current-account deficit was little changed, at $127.0 billion, in the third quarter, as a decrease in the deficit on income more than offset an increase in the deficit on goods, a decrease in the surplus on services, and an increase in net outflows for unilateral current transfers. Net financial inflows stepped up sharply to $172.4 billion, reflecting a shift in financial flows for U.S.-owned assets abroad to net inflows from net outflows.
(PDF) (Interactive Data)

BEA Current and Historical Data

National Data

  • Selected NIPA tables (PDF) 
  • Other NIPA and NIPA-related tables (PDF)
  • Historical measures (PDF)
  • Domestic perspectives (PDF)
  • Charts (PDF)

International Data

  • Transactions tables (PDF)
  • Investment tables (PDF)
  • International perspectives (PDF)
  • Charts (PDF)

Regional Data

  • State and regional tables (PDF)
  • Local area table (PDF)
  • Charts (PDF)


  • Additional information about the NIPA estimates (PDF)
  • Suggested reading (PDF)