Petroleum & Other Liquids

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Company Level Imports

With Data for July 2012   |  Release Date:  September 27, 2012   |  Next Release Date: October 30, 2012

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July 2012 Import Highlights

Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in July 2012 has been released and it shows that two countries exported more than 1 million barrels per day to the United States (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 73 percent of United States crude oil imports in July while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 90 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of US crude oil imports for July were Canada (2,476 thousand barrels per day), Saudi Arabia (1,458 thousand barrels per day), Venezuela (999 thousand barrels per day), Mexico (960 thousand barrels per day) and Columbia (376 thousand barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Nigeria (361 thousand barrels per day), Iraq (352 thousand barrels per day), Kuwait (304 thousand barrels per day), Angola (278 thousand barrels per day) and Brazil (219 thousand barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 8,606 thousand barrels per day in July, which is a decrease of 495 thousand barrels per day from June 2012.

Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in July; exporting 2,973 thousand barrels per day to the United States. The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Saudi Arabia with 1,466 thousand barrels per day.

Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries)

(thousand barrels per day)
Country Jul-12 Jun-12 YTD 2012 Jul-11 YTD 2011
CANADA 2,476 2,460 2,453 2,177 2,162
SAUDI ARABIA 1,458 1,456 1,452 1,307 1,155
VENEZUELA 999 750 845 877 925
MEXICO 960 862 955 1,119 1,112
COLOMBIA 376 491 423 398 361
NIGERIA 361 471 395 810 865
IRAQ 352 649 446 596 457
KUWAIT 304 249 324 222 167
ANGOLA 278 346 265 394 330
BRAZIL 219 243 258 310 237
ECUADOR 164 236 185 172 198
RUSSIA 126 252 120 188 233
LIBYA 110 93 61 0 16
ALGERIA 76 127 125 184 224
AZERBAIJAN 66 0 30 34 42

Total Imports of Petroleum (Top 15 Countries)

(thousand barrels per day)
Country Jul-12 Jun-12 YTD 2012 Jul-11 YTD 2011
CANADA 2,973 3,051 2,994 2,691 2,771
SAUDI ARABIA 1,466 1,456 1,457 1,326 1,162
VENEZUELA 1,046 788 895 954 1,021
MEXICO 1,007 915 1,017 1,197 1,229
RUSSIA 491 655 468 564 619
COLOMBIA 397 515 457 418 394
NIGERIA 372 515 433 884 918
IRAQ 352 649 446 596 457
KUWAIT 304 250 325 228 168
ANGOLA 285 378 278 407 340
BRAZIL 257 297 281 330 250
ALGERIA 213 236 266 354 426
ECUADOR 176 236 189 172 198
NETHERLANDS 137 151 119 80 119
UNITED KINGDOM 131 205 166 175 175

Note: The data in the tables above exclude oil imports into the U.S. territories.

Company Level Imports

Crude Oil Imports From Persian Gulf 2012 (January - June)

Explanatory Notes

Sources  - Energy Information Administration (EIA) petroleum imports data are available at the company level. The data source is the Form EIA-814, "Monthly Imports Report."

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