Previous Issue   September 2012
Honors and Awards

MacDonald selected for ASME Young Investigator Award

Erin MacDonald, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Iowa State and affiliated researcher at the Ames Laboratory, recently received the ASME Design Automation Young Investigator Award.

The award recognizes an outstanding young investigator who is making noteworthy contributions in the area of design automation, including research in design representation, design optimization, design evaluation, and/or design integration.


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Honors and Awards: Virtual reality spray paint training software wins FLC Award
Ames Laboratory recently partnered with the Iowa Waste Reduction Center at the University of Northern Iowa to improve spray paint training using a virtual engineering software toolkit. The software enhancements won a regional Federal Laboratory Consortium award for applying federally developed technology to industry needs.Image

 Research: Ames Lab, ISU researcher developing new computing approach to materials science
Krishna Rajan of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory is using data mining, information theory and statistical learning concepts to develop a new approach to discovering materials. Like other methods of materials informatics, Rajan's approach can collect large amounts of data. But he's also developing ideas to target the data that's most relevant to solving a particular problem.Image

 Tech Transfer: IPAT wins Pappajohn Iowa Business Plan Award

Iowa Powder Atomization Technologies, a start-up company based on technology developed at the Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory, has won the 2012 John Pappajohn Iowa Business Plan Competition. 

The competition honors top business plans of companies in business for four years or less, with an aim of stimulating business development. The prize includes $25,000 in seed money.

 HR: Tips for dealing with conflict
Conflict happens to all of us in some shape or form from time to time.  Whether in our personal lives or at work, minor or major, with one person or many – it’s lurking out there.  Luckily, each and every one of us has some amount of control and choice in resolving conflict.  Here are some tips to keep in mind when dealing with conflict.Image

 Around the Lab: More new signage boosts Ames Laboratory's profile
ImageIn an effort to make it easier for visitors to find The Ames Laboratory and boost the visibility of the Lab on campus, new signage has replaced the previous street level sign north of Spedding Hall. There's also a new wall mural in Room 205 TASF that incorporates the logo and core values into a stunning new floor-to-ceiling display.

 Special Event: Annual Town Hall Meetings for Employees Scheduled
Ames Laboratory Director Alex King is again hosting a series of annual town hall style meetings with Lab employees. This is an opportunity for employees and associates to ask questions or raise concerns they may have concerning the budget, lab operations, mission, or any other issues related to the Lab. 

 Wellness: Flu shots available Oct 3-19
ImageFlu shots for Ames Lab and Iowa State University employees will be available Oct. 3-19 in room 205 TASF. Shots will be administered by Occupational Medicine staff 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily throughout the period. No appointment is necessary but employees are asked to bring their ISU card/university ID along to the shot clinic.

 Education: Mark your calendars for 2013 Science Bowl
Image Dates have been set for the 2013 Ames Laboratory/ISU Science Bowl. The High School Science Bowl will be held, Saturday, Jan. 26 and the Middle School Science Bowl will be Saturday, Feb. 23. Volunteers are needed to serve as moderators, judges, timekeepers and scorekeepers for the exciting science and math game-show style competitions.