Flounder Group Page

Flounder is a mild-flavored fish. Commercial fishermen harvest several species of flounder in fisheries along both coasts of the United States. Summer, winter, and yellowtail flounder come from New England and the Mid-Atlantic; arrowtooth flounder is mainly harvested off Alaska.

Arrowtooth Flounder

Arrowtooth Flounder

Market demand for arrowtooth flounder is generally low - arrowtooth flounder’s flesh has an enzyme that rapidly degrades the flesh when it’s heated, making it mushy when cooked. Researchers recently discovered several safe food additives that stop this breakdown in flounder, increasing the marketability of this underused, abundant resource. Alaska supplies most of the arrowtooth flounder on the market.

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Summer Flounder

Summer Flounder

Summer flounder is highly valued for its lean, white meat and light, delicate flavor. It’s also one of the most popular recreational fish on the Atlantic Coast. Depleted and overharvested for several years, summer flounder has successfully rebuilt to target population levels under strict catch limits for both the commercial and recreational fisheries.

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Winter Flounder

Winter Flounder

Winter flounder are an important commercial and recreational fish throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic, although current harvests are a fraction of their historic levels. Heavy fishing pressure and habitat degradation caused winter flounder stocks to drastically decline. Today, strict fishing regulations are now in place, and winter flounder stocks are rebuilding.

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Yellowtail Flounder

Yellowtail Flounder

Harvested in New England and the Mid-Atlantic, yellowtail flounder’s sweet taste and firm texture is said to set the standard to which other flounders are compared. In the 1990s, yellowtail flounder stocks collapsed after years of heavy fishing by foreign and domestic fleets. Today, all stocks of yellowtail flounder are actively managed under rebuilding plans. Under these plans, fishermen are following a number of strict measures to reduce harvests of yellowtail flounder and allow the stocks to recover by specified deadlines.

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