
The sea floor like you’ve never seen it.

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HabCam is a tool that provides us with a unique glimpse at the seafloor through optical imaging. The HabCam vehicle flies over the ocean bottom taking six images a second creating a continuous image ribbon. On the surface we get real-time images and data in a completely non-invasive way. From the images we can learn about ecosystem change over different time and space scales, calculate biodiversity, classify habitats, map hard to survey species, learn about invasive species, and promote interest in ocean and ecosystem science. LEARN MORE »

Benthic Images

Gallery of highlight images collected with HabCam – currently there are over 22 million images in the HabCam database!

Scallop Research

The HabCam Group works with commercial scallop fishermen, fisheries biologists, and engineers to develop non-invasive optical survey techniques to help imoprove the accuracy of scallop and groundfish population assessments.

Seafloor Educational Activities

Developed for debut at the Massachusetts Marine Educators Conference 2011