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State Import Data FAQ


Now that data are available on both imports and exports by state, will Census produce data on state trade balances?

Census will not be producing data on state trade balances.

Data users should keep in mind that import and export transactions are compiled with the state information recorded at time the goods enter or leave the United States. This timing produces reporting limitations. The export origin of movement may not always imply production origin and import destination may not always reflect where the goods are consumed or used. In addition the trade data do not provide information to track or monitor interstate flows. Given these conditions, the concept of calculating trade balances at the state level using destination and origin state data is problematic and may produce unintended results. Additional information regarding State data can be found here.

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We are interested in transportation movements. Will Census produce import data by state of destination and country of origin?

Yes, the filing requirements for imports do specify to report the state of ultimate destination and the country of origin. This is available in our standard import state data products.

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Will Census provide a time series of data for imports by state?

Data files for 2008 and 2009 are available here.

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Will sub-state level data be available?

Sub-state level data for imports will not be available at this time.

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How are states with large entry ports reflected in the state data?

All import data is based upon the reported U.S. State of Destination Code. This field may represent different information. The current definition is the U.S. state, U.S. territory or U.S. possession where the merchandise is destined, as known at the time of entry summary filing. If the contents of the shipment are destined to more than one state, territory, or possession, or if the entry summary represents a consolidated shipment, the state of destination with the greatest aggregate value is reported. If in either case, this information is unknown, the state of the ultimate consignee, or the state where the entry is filed, in that order, is reported. However, before either of these alternatives is used, a good faith effort should be made by the entry filer to ascertain the state where the imported merchandise will be delivered. For shipments into Foreign Trade Zones, the import state represents the location of the zone.

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How are warehouse transactions included in the state data?

All warehouse or Foreign Trade Zone entries are recorded based on the location of the warehouse or Zone.

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My company imports large quantities of a particular product, yet the state import data reflect little or no imports for the state in which my company is located. Why?

The import state is determined by the final destination of the goods, not necessarily the location of the importing company. If the final destination of the commodity is the same location as the company, and the data does not reflect this, then there is a possibility that an incorrect state was reported as the ultimate destination state during importation.

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What other data will be available based upon import state?

Data on import state by 6-digit Harmonized System code, and import state by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) will be available. These data are available for purchase from the Foreign Trade Website.

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FTD Web News

What is required for me to ship charity goods to Haiti?
From GLOBAL REACH: "In order to facilitate the movements of these goods, we offer the following guidance that applies to any goods not requiring a license, such as food, clothing, and medicines." (January 22, 2010)

Foreign Trade has GLOBAL REACH
Foreign Trade has just created and published its official blog, "Global Reach." Visit it to discuss the Foreign Trade Regulations, Export Filing (AES), Trade Data, and other trade related topics. Posts are current and relevant to you as the filer, exporter, data user, or curious blog reader. (January 5, 2010)

FTZ: Guidelines for Submtting Statistical Data (PDF) (1.8 MB)
Guidelines and best practices for fulfilling FTZ's statistical reporting requirements are now available.

- Training videos on topics such as the Foreign Trade Regulations, AESDirect, NAFTA, Taxes/Tariffs, Commodities, etc. now available!

2009 Constant Dollar Data
- The Census Bureau identified a processing error that caused incorrect deflators to be applied to the revised data for 2009. The data have been corrected.

- U.S. Census Bureau will modify the structure of several data products to accommodate changing technology and user demand.

- The export environment has dramatically changed. Come and understand what it takes to remain compliant, aware and out of trouble.

2003 AES Option 4 Moratorium
Option 4 Filing Review Process Suspended

AES Compliance Best Practices:
Best Practices for maintaining AES Compliance are now available.

Related Party Database Application:
Time series RELATED PARTY data for specific commodities and countries.

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- Merchandise Trade Downloads

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It's new. It's flexible. It has more options.

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Source: FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233
Created: 16 March 2010
Last modified: 12 July 2011 at 04:09:07 PM