Exhibit 4A: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Alloy Steel Products from Selected Countries and Areas: (Census Basis) Not Seasonally Adjusted Quantity in metric tons/ value in thousands of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding March 2011 March 2010 Cumulative to Cumulative to Date - Final Date - Final Countries and Areas Quantity Value Quantity Value Total Census Basis 918,694 1,384,065 705,990 927,719 North America 338,093 406,708 362,501 398,197 Canada 280,536 318,520 313,513 339,041 Mexico 57,557 88,188 48,987 59,156 Europe 320,587 554,677 158,017 261,468 European Union 294,574 512,862 143,233 248,504 Austria 24,962 50,878 7,536 14,945 Belgium 1,495 2,135 43 138 Czech Republic 12,246 18,298 3,301 3,614 Finland 1,973 4,006 1,523 4,929 France 32,769 74,813 13,666 33,355 Germany 107,201 172,738 38,119 72,005 Italy 13,362 24,405 6,483 15,897 Netherlands 13,607 12,229 8,887 6,945 Poland 386 991 92 330 Spain 14,075 23,651 9,284 12,915 Sweden 35,014 67,865 32,334 48,108 United Kingdom 31,588 48,548 19,049 29,163 Other EU 5,896 12,304 2,916 6,158 Norway (-) (-) 1 2 Russia 6,365 9,612 11,198 7,271 Switzerland 1,304 4,317 361 1,194 Turkey 8,895 12,501 207 272 Ukraine 3,791 8,124 2,521 3,623 Other Europe 5,657 7,261 496 601 Euro Area 212,656 371,537 87,729 166,063 Pacific Rim Countries 200,123 320,457 162,094 227,181 Australia 89 373 283 939 China 33,982 60,329 22,375 29,361 Indonesia 592 1,360 (-) (-) Japan 137,423 215,892 125,447 172,531 Newly Industrialized Countries(NICS) 28,036 42,497 13,971 24,331 Hong Kong (-) (-) (-) (-) Korea 24,562 32,241 10,872 16,695 Singapore (-) (-) 11 112 Taiwan 3,474 10,256 3,089 7,524 Other Pacific Rim 1 7 18 19 South/Central America 27,268 53,627 16,221 30,620 Argentina 12,346 22,971 4,602 10,294 Brazil 9,153 20,893 4,005 7,899 Chile (-) (-) (-) (-) Colombia 5,708 9,671 7,549 12,368 Venezuela (-) (-) (-) (-) Other S/C A 61 91 65 59 Other Countries 32,624 48,597 7,158 10,252 India 18,816 27,779 6,651 9,414 South Africa 211 381 305 474 Thailand 96 271 200 357 Other 13,501 20,166 2 8 NOTE: See the cover report specifically explaining the current month's preliminary steel imports trade data or www.census.gov/foreign-trade/Press-Release/steel_index.ht ml. CONTACT: For more information, contact Matthew Przybocki (301-763-3148) or Janet Fre as (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau. SOURCE: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Steel Products: Preliminary March 2011 (CB-11-68)