Swordfish Group Page

Prized for its flavorful, steak-like meat, swordfish is found and harvested in temperate and tropical oceans around the world. U.S. commercial fishermen catch swordfish along both coasts and on the high seas. U.S. swordfish fisheries are strictly managed, both to conserve the swordfish and minimize the fisheries’ impact on other species.

North Atlantic Swordfish

North Atlantic Swordfish

Rebuilding the North Atlantic swordfish resource is one of the great success stories of fisheries management, not to mention that it’s harvested in one of the most environmentally responsible pelagic longline fisheries in the world. You’ll mostly find U.S. caught Atlantic swordfish sold fresh at the market.

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Pacific Swordfish

Pacific Swordfish

In the Pacific, most of the U.S. swordfish harvest comes from the drift gillnet fishery off California and the shallow-set longline fishery off Hawaii. Both of these fisheries operate under strict regulations that effectively reduce impacts on sea turtles and marine mammals. The catch from these fisheries is a major source of the swordfish on the U.S. market.