Kennedy's 50th Anniversary -- 1962-2012

    Drawing with moon, Earth, palm tree and rocket launching, and 50th set on a dark blue background with the words: Kennedy Space Center, 50th Anniversary. Five Decades Ago...

    Launch pads and towers rose one by one above the scrub land, dotting the shoreline of Florida's East coast. By 1960, the "Missile Firing Laboratory" had become an extension of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.

    On July 1, 1962, NASA officially activated the Launch Operations Center at the seaside spaceport, granting the center equal status to Marshall and offering the center's new director, Dr. Kurt H. Debus, a direct report to the agency's headquarters in Washington, D.C. The following year the center was renamed to honor the president who put America on the path to the moon.

    Dr. Werner Von Braun and President John F. Kennedy Image at left: Dr. Wernher von Braun explains the Saturn rocket system to President John F. Kennedy at Launch Complex 37 in November 1963. Image credit: NASA

    NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center has helped set the stage for America's adventure in space for five decades. The spaceport has served as the departure gate for every American manned mission and hundreds of advanced scientific spacecraft. From the early days of Project Mercury to the Space Shuttle Program and International Space Station, from the Hubble Space Telescope to the Mars rovers, the center enjoys a rich heritage in its vital role as NASA's processing and launch center.

    As the nation prepares to embark on a new chapter in space exploration, Kennedy will continue to make history as America's spaceport.

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50 Years at Kennedy Space Center

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History Features

Kennedy Marks 50 Years with Gala

KSC 50th Anniversary Gala

The massive, white Saturn V rocket suspended from the ceiling of the Apollo/Saturn V Center served as a backdrop for celebration.

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Armstrong Praised as an American Hero

Armstrong in Eagle

Neil Armstrong is being hailed as one of the greatest heroes of America's efforts to explore.

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First Saturn V Rollout Began an Era of Exploration

Apollo 4 Launch

Apollo 4 opened an era of exploration from Kennedy Space Center.

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Apollo 15 Provided Lessons for Future Exploration

Apollo 15 astronauts training on Kennedy Space Center's simulated lunar surface

Lessons learned from the early days of developing Kennedy training sites for exploring beyond low Earth orbit are now being applied to possible ventures to Mars or a return to the moon.

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Social Media Event Marks Kennedy's 50-year History

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden speaks to event participants

About 45 of NASA's social media followers gathered at Kennedy to hear stories from key past and present leaders.

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Kennedy Through the Decades

Kennedy History Quiz

    How many NASA launches were conducted from Cape Canaveral 50 years ago?


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