Military Cooperation

Military Cooperation

Military cooperation and outreach is one of the framework tasks of Headquarters Allied Joint Force Command (HQ JFC) Brunssum. Its aim is to broaden and strengthen the Alliance by establishing enduring relationships and cooperation mechanism with partner nations.
During the past 15 years NATO outreach programmes have progressed from initial concept of enlargement and mutual confidence to involvement of partners in planning and operations.
Outreach objectives
  • Increase international stability and increase security through co-operative engagement with non-NATO states and their forces
  • Broaden participation of non-NATO states in Alliance operations
  • Maximise the success of NATO missions and operations through engagement with non-NATO actors through Comprehensive Approach
  • Support aspiring nations within the Membership Action Plan

NATO operational level commands: JFC Brunssum and JFC Naples share the Military cooperation regional approach to support their missions. JFC Brunssum, as the higher headquarters for the International Security Assistance Force, is engaging with countries which either support the ISAF mission or are in the geographical region of Afghanistan.

Countries in the JFC Brunssum Area of Interest
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Finland
  • Ireland
  • Kyrgyz Republic
  • Switzerland
  • Turkmenistan
  • Austria
  • Belarus
  • Georgia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Sweden
  • Tajikistan
  • Uzbekistan
Four officers from following Partner nations: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, Sweden and five NATO officers from Spain (2), Italy, Turkey and Poland work together in the Military Partnership Branch, here at the HQ JFC Brunssum.

* Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia by its constitutional nam
Prepared by Roland Murof