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Art > Wordmark > Color

The color palette is a key element, providing a strong visual link to the brand identity across a wide range of applications. Consistent use of the color palette helps build strong brand recognition. All materials and messages must use colors from the approved color palette to insure the consistency and integrity of the brand experience.

This is the color family:

Wordmark Blue:
Pantone 647
Other colors: Pantone 7411, Pantone Cool Grey 5, Rich Black

PMS 647
Pantone 647 - 100c, 56m, 0y, 23k
RGB - 35, 97, 146
HEX - #236192

PMS 7411
Pantone 7411 - 0c, 35m, 69y, 0k
RGB - 230, 166, 93
HEX - #e6a65d

Cool Grey
Pantone Cool Grey 5 - 5c, 29k
RGB - 177, 179, 179
HEX - #b1b3b3

Rich Black
RICH BLACK - 60c, 40m, 40y, 100k
RGB - 0, 0, 0
HEX - #000000

How to use colors:
On a white background: wordmark in Pantone Blue 647, or in black ONLY if it's being reproduced with black and white printing.

On black or colored background: wordmark should knock out to white or surprint in black if the background is very light, and in Pantone Blue 647 if the background is Pantone 741.

On a dark background only, the wordmark can also be Pantone 7411.

Color of Wordmark On Different Background Colors

Color For Horizontal Wordmark
On Different Background Colors
Color For State Specific Horizontal Wordmark
On Different Background Colors


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