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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

  • Left Turn: What is the Administration Hiding?
    Sep 26, 2012  - The imperial presidency continues to decide which laws it will follow and which laws it will ignore. After taking steps to rein in the president’s attempt to rewrite welfare reform through executive fiat, Congress is now contending with an administration that won’t follow basic rules governing the r... More
  • Committee Demands Response to Previous Request on WARN Act "Guidance"
    Sep 24, 2012  - Dear Secretary Solis: On August 2, 2012, we contacted you to share our concern regarding misleading and incomplete guidance from the Employment and Training Administration relating to the applicability of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN Act) to potential sequestration-ca... More
  • Four Facts About Today’s Vote to Preserve Key Welfare Reforms
    Sep 20, 2012  - Today the House will consider a joint resolution disapproving of the Obama administration’s attempt to undermine welfare reform. Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) joined Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jord... More
  • Kline Requests DOJ Investigation of Alleged Misconduct by NLRB Acting General Counsel
    Sep 17, 2012  - Dear Attorney General Holder: The attached National Relations Board (NLRB) Inspector General’s (IG) report makes serious allegations that Acting General Lafe Solomon engaged in ethical and criminal misconduct while serving on the NLRB. I respectfully request you investigate these charges fully. Und... More
  • Committee Leaders Request Meeting with Acting OMB Director on Administration's Regulatory Agenda
    Sep 14, 2012  - Dear Acting Director Zients: Regulatory uncertainty plays a significant role in perpetuating a persistently weak economy and labor market. It undermines the ability of employers and entrepreneurs to hire new workers, plan for the future, and invest in growing their businesses. To help get the econo... More
  • Committee Renews Request for Information on Delphi Pension Decision
    Sep 12, 2012  - Dear Secretary Geithner and Director Gotbaum: The Committee on Education and the Workforce remains committed to overseeing the federal government’s restructuring of the General Motors Company (GM), and its consequences for the pension benefits of workers at the Delphi Corporation, a former subsidia... More
  • Tough Week for the Obama Administration
    Sep 11, 2012  - It’s only Tuesday, but it’s already shaping up to be a tough week for the Obama administration. Just after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported yesterday the 2012 budget deficit hit $1.17 trillion in August, major defense contractors confirmed they will send layoff notices to tens of... More
  • Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs
    Sep 11, 2012  - Courtesy of the Committees on Ways and Means and Education and the Workforce. BACKGROUND: Sixteen years ago, a Republican-led Congress worked with a Democratic President to fix a broken welfare system. President Bill Clinton rallied the nation to “end welfare as we know it” and his call to action w... More
  • Kline, Alexander Ask HHS for Required Data on Head Start Re-Competition Process
    Sep 7, 2012  - Dear Secretary Sebelius: The Head Start Act requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to ensure the designation renewal system (DRS) put in place in 2007 to increase program accountability is “fair, consistent, and transparent.” However, the department has refused to release any in... More
  • Committee Leaders Request Information from DOL on Collection of Compensation Data
    Sep 6, 2012  - Dear Secretary Solis: We remain concerned about the policies and priorities of the Department of Labor's (the department) Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). Recently, OFCCP proposed a number of requirements relating to the collection of compensation data from federal contractor... More
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