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9/20/12 House Republican Leadership Press Conference
Thirty-eight jobs bills have passed the House and are now stuck in the Democrat-led Senate. House Republicans have shown leadership on this issue, and it is time for Democrats in the Senate and the White House to do the same.
The President's War on Coal
President Obama has said repeatedly that he is for an "all of the above" approach to energy production, but his actions are limiting the use of coal and costing thousands of jobs across America. Let us know what you think about the president's war on coal using #WarOnCoal:!/search/%23waroncoal
Weekly Republican Address 9/15/12: Rep. Allen West (R-FL)
In this week's address, Congressman Allen West, a Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, discusses the deadline for the sequester, and the White House's devastating inaction on what was originally their idea. The Republican-led House has proposed responsible replacements to the sequester's historically crippling across-the-board cuts to our nation's military. The recent vicious attacks on embassies in the Middle East underscore the need to preserve our military strength. The president and Senate Democrats must put aside partisan politics to work with us to preserve our military and replace the sequester.
9/11/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference
Chairman Hensarling: "The House has very important business in the days to come, and certainly no more important business than remembering 9/11 -- the heroes, the victims, and indeed we shall never forget."
Rhetoric vs. Reality
Our national debt is now more than 16 trillion dollars. The president's current budget has received zero votes. Senate Democrats haven't even passed a budget in more than 3 years. It's time for serious solutions to solve our fiscal crisis. Visit to learn more. *** Sources:
Weekly Republican Address 9/1/12: Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA)
In this week's address, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) speaks from his district in New Orleans, discussing the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac and its effect on constituents and the surrounding area. Hundreds of thousands of people still remain without power, and the threat of flooding continues throughout southeast Louisiana. "In tough times," he says, "we strive harder. We remember what's most important to us, and we fight to protect it."

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