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Sam Johnson: U.S. Congressman, Third District of Texas

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Press Release

Contact: McCall Avery/Jamie Corley 2022254201

Johnson seeks smarter, more targeted solutions to $2.6 trillion government-takeover of healthcare

Washington, Mar 21, 2010 - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) will cast his vote against the final push for a government-takeover of healthcare that costs nearly $2.6 trillion while cutting Medicare, increasing healthcare costs, and funding abortion.  

“It’s safe to say that this Administration has bitten off more than it can chew.  They can’t stop spending! Why on earth would we pass a $2.6 trillion bill that the American people are clearly against?  Enough already!  For the Democrats who control the White House, the House and the Senate, it seems like $2.6 trillion isn’t a big deal anymore… compared with the purchase of ‘Government Motors’, the Wall Street rescue, the so-called stimulus bill and the unprecedented bailouts of every industry known to man.  The only group left out to dry are the hard-working taxpayers.”

“The President has taken his eye off the ball and the jobless numbers are proof positive.  The Administration and Democrats should be working on creating jobs, reviving the economy, and cutting taxes, not spending another $2.6 trillion for a Washington-takeover of healthcare.  It’s time for a smarter, more targeted approach to reform – one that builds on consensus ideas and moves forward with incremental change that garners support from more than just one side of the aisle,” said Johnson.  “Landmark legislation that costs $2.6 trillion and will forever change the future direction of our democracy should not be able to pass without support from both parties.  It’s just common sense,” continued Johnson.

Later today the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a Senate healthcare bill that costs almost $2.6 trillion.  The plan forces Americans to buy health insurance, cuts Medicare for seniors, boosts health costs for everyone, hikes taxes on small businesses, and uses taxpayer dollars to fund abortion, among other flaws.  The healthcare scheme also includes numerous shady deals and sneaky give-aways to sway the votes of many Democrats in the Senate. 

For example, the bill, H.R. 3590, includes a $300 million Medicare payout to Louisiana, designed to secure the vote of Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), dubbed the ‘Louisiana Purchase.’  In addition, Democrat Senator Ben Nelson received special treatment for his state with the so-called “Cornhusker Kickback” that carves out Nebraska from increased Medicaid costs – charging the taxpayer credit card $100 million.  Johnson stresses that these special deals to garner votes have no business in a healthcare reform bill.  (To read a full list of the “Shady deals and backroom bargains in the Senate healthcare bill,” click here.)

Johnson advocates smarter, more targeted solutions.  In fact, the Republican leadership included Johnson’s proposal to allow small businesses to band together to buy health insurance at group rates in their fiscally responsible, patient centered health reform plan.

“Our children and grandchildren will be paying for this bill for generations to come.  That’s not fair.  They want, need and deserve so much better than this.  It’s time for the Democrats to abandon their ‘our-way-or-the-highway’ attitude and to build bipartisan consensus to get the job done for the American people.  They have a right to leaders in government who are willing to work together to find common-sense solutions,” concluded Johnson.

To read Johnson’s remarks on the floor of the House or to read a list of amendments Johnson supported, visit  Johnson, the longest serving Republican on the Health Subcommittee on Ways and Means,  represents portions of Dallas and Collin Counties.

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