David L. McClure's picture

North America Day Collaboration Strengthens Public Health and Safety

Responsible information sharing continues to be a top priority in our government, and recently it is has received considerable trans-national attention, as well. At the end of August, the CIOs of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, met at the North America Day 2012 Summit in Williamsburg, VA, with other senior IT officials from each country. Since 2001, North America Day has brought together government leaders from these three countries to discuss, in a trusted environment, important technology issues of common concern among the three countries.

David L. McClure's picture

US, Mexico, and Canada Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Share Information

MOU also Supports Launch of NIEM Pilot Projects

Last week, Kshemendra Paul, Information Sharing Environment Program Manager, and I traveled to Mexico City with other senior federal IT officials to discuss how information sharing among the U.S., Mexican, and Canadian governments could be enhanced.