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Publications & Products: Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP)
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Product Type Title (and Summary) Date Product Number
Publication Federal Justice Statistics, 2009 Describes the annual activity, workloads, and outcomes associated with the federal criminal justice system from arrest to imprisonment, using data from Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Marshals Service, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, U.S. Sentencing Commission, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Part of the Federal Justice Statistics Series
12/21/2011 NCJ 234184
Publication Federal Justice Statistics, 2005 Presents federal criminal case statistics on suspects and defendants processed in the federal criminal justice system.
Part of the Federal Justice Statistics Series
9/30/2008 NCJ 220383
Publication Federal Prosecution of Child Sex Exploitation Offenders, 2006 Presents Federal criminal case processing statistics on child sex offenses, including sex transportation, sexual abuse, and child pornography.
12/1/2007 NCJ 219412
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 2004 Describes all aspects of processing in the Federal justice system, including numbers of persons prosecuted, convicted, incarcerated, sentenced to probation, released pretrial, and under parole or other supervision.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
12/1/2006 NCJ 213476
Publication Federal Prosecution of Human Trafficking, 2001-2005 Presents Federal criminal case processing statistics on peonage and slavery statutes in the U.S. criminal code with a focus on human trafficking offenses created by Congress in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.
10/1/2006 NCJ 215248
Publication Federal Criminal Justice Trends, 2003 Presents data on Federal criminal justice trends from 1994-2003. This report summarizes the activities of agencies at each stage of the Federal criminal case process.
Part of the Federal Criminal Case Processing, with Reconciled Data Series
8/30/2006 NCJ 205331
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 2003 Presents national-level statistics describing characteristics of persons processed and the distribution of case processing outcomes at each major stage of the Federal criminal justice system.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
10/1/2005 NCJ 210299
Publication Federal Tort Trials and Verdicts, 2002-03 Presents findings on jury and bench tort trials concluded in Federal district courts during fiscal years 2002-03.
Part of the Federal Tort Trials and Verdicts Series
8/17/2005 NCJ 208713
Publication Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2002: With trends 1982-2002, Reconciled Data An annual publication that provides statistics describing defendants processed at different stages of the Federal criminal justice system for the 12-month period ending September 30, 2002.
Part of the Federal Criminal Case Processing, with Reconciled Data Series
1/1/2005 NCJ 207447
Publication Intellectual Property Theft Presents statistics on both criminal and civil enforcement of Federal intellectual property laws for 1994-2002.
10/1/2004 NCJ 205800
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 2002 Presents national-level statistics describing characteristics of persons processed and the distribution of case processing outcomes at each major stage of the Federal criminal justice system.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
9/1/2004 NCJ 205368
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 2001 Presents national-level statistics describing characteristics of persons processed and the distribution of case processing outcomes at each major stage of the Federal criminal justice system.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
11/1/2003 NCJ 201627
Publication Money Laundering Offenders, 1994-2001 Describes the criminal case processing of money laundering defendants in the Federal criminal justice system.
7/17/2003 NCJ 199574
Publication Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2001: With trends 1982-2001, Reconciled Data Describes the processing of defendants in the Federal criminal justice system.
Part of the Federal Criminal Case Processing, with Reconciled Data Series
1/1/2003 NCJ 197104
Publication Immigration Offenders in the Federal Criminal Justice System, 2000 Describes the number of immigration offenders prosecuted in Federal court between 1985 and 2000.
8/6/2002 NCJ 191745
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 2000 Presents national-level statistics describing all aspects of case processing in the Federal criminal justice system for the 12-month period ending September 30, 2000.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
8/1/2002 NCJ 194067
Publication Prisoner Petitions Filed in U.S. District Courts, 2000, with Trends, 1980-2000 Presents the number of prisoner petitions filed by Federal and State inmates in U.S. district courts during 2000.
12/1/2001 NCJ 189430
Publication Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2000: With trends 1982-2000, Reconciled Data Describes the processing of defendants in the Federal criminal justice system.
Part of the Federal Criminal Case Processing, with Reconciled Data Series
11/1/2001 NCJ 189737
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 1999 Presents national-level statistics describing all aspects of processing in the Federal criminal justice system for 1999.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
4/1/2001 NCJ 186179
Publication Federal Criminal Case Processing, 1999: With trends 1982-99, Reconciled Data Presents "reconciled" Federal Criminal case processing statistics for fiscal year 1999.
Part of the Federal Criminal Case Processing, with Reconciled Data Series
2/1/2001 NCJ 186180
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 1998 Presents national-level statistics describing all aspects of processing in the Federal criminal justice system for 1998.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
5/31/2000 NCJ 180258
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 1997 Presents national-level statistics describing all aspects of processing in the Federal criminal justice system for 1997.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
10/1/1999 NCJ 176328
Publication Federal Criminal Case Processing, 1998: With Trends 1982-98, Reconciled Data Presents "reconciled" Federal criminal case processing statistics for fiscal year 1998.
Part of the Federal Criminal Case Processing, with Reconciled Data Series
9/1/1999 NCJ 169277
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 1996 Presents national-level statistics describing all aspects of processing in the Federal criminal justice system for 1996.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
1/1/1999 NCJ 172849
Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 1994 Includes national statistics describing investigations by U.S. Attorneys, prosecutions and declinations, pretrial release and detention, convictions and acquittals, sentencing, appeals, and corrections.
Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series
3/1/1998 NCJ 163063
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